Hey Fred do you have a link to this? I'd like to read more before putting my foot in my mouth oh I mean my opinion
I was thinking of talking to spiralox and see what their engineers say.
Spirolox® Retaining Rings
I also like the self locking one but I am not sure if you can get into some of them to set the locks. It sucks not have parts laying around to look at.
Self-Locking Rings
Oh and that's a nice Classic especially for 4k doesn't match color wise but you change the tins and bags out and you red beast is back..
Of course I understand wanting to fix yours yourself and can only say there can be a differences in the price of what a rocket is worth to the public and to ones self. I know yours and mine are older and we have seen a hand full of new ones lately develop some problems. What I cannot figure out is why are the Touring models not having the same issues.