When To Use Your Rear Brakes- Well, It Depends Doesn't It?

On the Freedom Ride to NM & UT I drug my Roadster's butt all way 'round corner after corner with my boards bent up to the stop chasing Money Bags Doc on his 2.5.
He never even touched down a darn peg feeler and I never was able to get up on his butt!
I still suffer from lean angle envy from the sad experience!
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On the Freedom Ride to NM & UT I drug my Roadster's butt all way 'round corner after corner with my boards bent up to the stop chasing Money Bags Doc on his 2.5.
He never even touched down a darn peg feeler and I never was able to get up on his butt!
I still suffer from lean angle envy from the sad experience!
Dont let Doc know that or he will use the praise time to increase his prices!....After all...there is a new Rocket hitting the shop floors!
When I first saw and read this post, I thought, "Blake, you gotta know better than this BS!"
Sorry that I was so sucked in!
Twas a great video! I reckon the best I've seen that removes a lot of wrong thinking about what trail braking really is.
Gratitude for the post.