Well, the day started out $hitty

If it's in fact a headgasket it would be an OK deal if you bought it for $1999. My worry would be that it detonated one or more cylinders. Then you could be looking at pistons/sleeves. If it leaked coolant into the oil it could need a lot more.
hey ..I have a set of pistons & sleeves for sale 13000 miles just in case the rig did detonate.. I need to clear some shelves !!
hey ..I have a set of pistons & sleeves for sale 13000 miles just in case the rig did detonate.. I need to clear some shelves !!
Well it sold offline mid dec 17 to a lucky bastard and was possibly the cause of at least one of these matching kits selling afterwards. 5 were sold best price of US$100 was a bargain.
Triumph Flyscreen kit for Rocket III - Flames Red (A9748045-ZCLE) | eBay
Well, here is what you can get done in 5 hrs. if you don't f_ck around much.
5 hrs slacker lol
Claviger does I read he posted price like 400 to 500

last off the line

@warp9.9 provided:

Robinson Industries Motorcycle Transmissions

EMAIL: sales@robinsonindustriesinc.com

PHONE:(631) 360-9219
FAX:(631) 360-9252
644 Middle Country Road-Suite 10
St. James, New York 11780

Lets summon the expert @Rocket Scientist so he can correct any misguided info I type
I believe you send them the complete shafts bearings and all. they go thru everything clean inspect undercut the gears and install the new fourth gear if you choose and send it back ready to drop in. Like sliced bread:)

Bill is who I talked to when I was checking on it for Fred.
And I would get ahold of him by phone. Never got a response with email.

Fred @Rocket Scientist said:
I sent my assembled shafts. I had my circlip grooves re-cut wider and deeper and heavy duty circlips installed. I had the billet 4th gear installed, and the gears back-cut. My total was $594.00 and that included the shipping back to me. Turn around was about 6 weeks as I recall. If I had one apart, I wouldn't put it together without sending it there first.