Well, the day started out $hitty

@Rocket Scientist
You should see if Patrick @albertaduke has anything left out of his Roaster :D I cannot remember what he did with the internals but I know he pulled it apart!
Nope - I have his Transmission
You could say that - but when it craps the bed I want a set of undercut gears to go straight in.

That is just a cover story for our Club - 'The Parts Whores'

Similar to the 'Fight Club' rules the first rule is "Deny hoarding, they are for personal use only";):D:roll::roll:
Here is a picture of the trans gears from a 1960's Honda 305. I had several of these as a youngin'. Look at the under cut on those gears. Yoo-Hoo Triumph.

nice depiction. I can see how it helps and I can see this done on a tool and cutter grinder or even a surface grinder with a proper fixture. Now the internal spokes of the female gears are what throwing me other then having them done by EDM the only thing I can see doing it would be something like Moore a Jig Grinder.Of course all pictures I have seen so far and really liked reading the APE site does not show female dog spokes just male to male. Maybe when you have that type of gear its only the male dogs that get ground.
Not sure why something like this wasn't used. Completely isolates the circlip from side thrust.

Hey Fred do you have a link to this? I'd like to read more before putting my foot in my mouth oh I mean my opinion :)

I was thinking of talking to spiralox and see what their engineers say.
Spirolox® Retaining Rings

I also like the self locking one but I am not sure if you can get into some of them to set the locks. It sucks not have parts laying around to look at.
Self-Locking Rings

Oh and that's a nice Classic especially for 4k doesn't match color wise but you change the tins and bags out and you red beast is back..
Of course I understand wanting to fix yours yourself and can only say there can be a differences in the price of what a rocket is worth to the public and to ones self. I know yours and mine are older and we have seen a hand full of new ones lately develop some problems. What I cannot figure out is why are the Touring models not having the same issues.
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You are familiar with their work ? Looks like they do undercutting. Wonder what they use for circlips ?
Fred These are the guys the made the 4 gear out put I would not be afraid to call and ask as at least they had there hands on parts of one if not all. I went thru my emails from 2015 their number 631-630-9219 The guy I was told to ask for is Bill.