Spoken by the great man who does not even work there.
Yes things blow up. We all know that, especially if one hots them up or consistently uses them hard, or even abuses them. SOME things seem to consistently fail with a pattern, which is likely to be a fault with either manufacture or assembly. Lets see now, ZZR600 inlet valve recession, umm, VTR1000 regulators, shovel head Harleys, XS1100 second gears, Honda XR250 radial valve head cracking, CBR1000 cam chain wear, RGV250 power valves snapping off, etc, oh hang on what about the Rocket three trans being a bit hit and miss. Sorry but I think ken's paranoia is rather sad, not funny.
I dont have to work there to observe all the blown up bikes that are there for repair YEP lots of JAPANESE playtoys waiting for repair and they just keep breaking day after day it will never end LOL
YOUR KIDDING NOW THATS FUNNY LOL Carpenter is loaded with blown up JAPANESE engines and transmissions so you better get over the paranoia or sell that new bike LOL

Not every body
SO your Rocket didnt fail BUT you thought that it might so you sold it to your son so it would break while he owns it ? NOW thats interesting did you give him a warranty ? I have put over 40,000 on Rockets with no breakdowns so Its one of the best bikes out there IMO

A couple of things to make clear old chap my Rocket was making so much noise from the gearbox that a almost deaf old Ex Gunner could hear it with a full face helmet on also the gear changes were accompanied by the noise of a improperly changed gear on an old truck crash box(no Syncromesh) that rather than wait a few more Klms before it completely self destructed I parked it up in the shed
I did not sell my Rocket to my son to ride and fail, I gave him the bike as he offered to fix it up in his own time so I said its yours Mate go for it ,he is a qualified Diesel mechanic and is well on the way to fixing it what he does with it after that is up to him it was no big deal 2nd hand rockets do not bring big money
as for the legendary almost god like Carpenter being loaded with blown up Japanese engines and gearboxes does that in some obscure way lessen the problem with the Rockets gearboxes,
40000 on a Rocket you quote that like some kind of recommendation all my Japanese bikes have done far more than this trouble free
as for being "one of the best bikes out there" how do you make this assumption,STOCK ,is it the fastest no ,best handling no ,most powerful no, most comfortable no, best looking no, best electrics no, most reliable No best resale no, best dealer backup no
Biggest Engine Yes, most unique yes
Not every body

A couple of things to make clear old chap my Rocket was making so much noise from the gearbox that a almost deaf old Ex Gunner could hear it with a full face helmet on also the gear changes were accompanied by the noise of a improperly changed gear on an old truck crash box(no Syncromesh) that rather than wait a few more Klms before it completely self destructed I parked it up in the shed
I did not sell my Rocket to my son to ride and fail, I gave him the bike as he offered to fix it up in his own time so I said its yours Mate go for it ,he is a qualified Diesel mechanic and is well on the way to fixing it what he does with it after that is up to him it was no big deal 2nd hand rockets do not bring big money
as for the legendary almost god like Carpenter being loaded with blown up Japanese engines and gearboxes does that in some obscure way lessen the problem with the Rockets gearboxes,
40000 on a Rocket you quote that like some kind of recommendation all my Japanese bikes have done far more than this trouble free
as for being "one of the best bikes out there" how do you make this assumption,STOCK ,is it the fastest no ,best handling no ,most powerful no, most comfortable no, best looking no, best electrics no, most reliable No best resale no, best dealer backup no
Biggest Engine Yes, most unique yes
Bravo Ken.....
I know you have mentioned a few times that you GAVE your R3 to your son to fix and that he is more than qualified to do the repairs. I read your posts mate - Not like others that cant be screwed and shoot off.....
Not every body

A couple of things to make clear old chap my Rocket was making so much noise from the gearbox that a almost deaf old Ex Gunner could hear it with a full face helmet on also the gear changes were accompanied by the noise of a improperly changed gear on an old truck crash box(no Syncromesh) that rather than wait a few more Klms before it completely self destructed I parked it up in the shed
I did not sell my Rocket to my son to ride and fail, I gave him the bike as he offered to fix it up in his own time so I said its yours Mate go for it ,he is a qualified Diesel mechanic and is well on the way to fixing it what he does with it after that is up to him it was no big deal 2nd hand rockets do not bring big money
as for the legendary almost god like Carpenter being loaded with blown up Japanese engines and gearboxes does that in some obscure way lessen the problem with the Rockets gearboxes,
40000 on a Rocket you quote that like some kind of recommendation all my Japanese bikes have done far more than this trouble free
as for being "one of the best bikes out there" how do you make this assumption,STOCK ,is it the fastest no ,best handling no ,most powerful no, most comfortable no, best looking no, best electrics no, most reliable No best resale no, best dealer backup no
Biggest Engine Yes, most unique yes
WELL CARPENTER works on the best of the JAPANESE and most of the popular high performance bikes on the market so we get to see how all the bikes hold up at the track and on the road and IDK has well over 100,000 miles on his Rocket SO we get to work on more Rockets than any of the dealers and all the Rockets that we see are modded and produce double the the stock HP and they hold up very well with compared to the JAPANESE or any other bikes so YES bad ridind habits or mistakes can damage any bike and NO bike is the best at all things so thats not a good argument and the ROCKETS hold up really well compared to all the bikes
I like my Rocket, I generally own 6 bikes at a time, 7 at the moment, on average I change out 2 each year, that said, the Rocket is the only bike I ever had a transmission problem with.
So what problems did the other bikes have ?
Jesus you really do have the mentality of a preteen:

If it didn't happen to me, it must not ever happen.

Sample size: 1

Already drawing conclusions in absolute terms.

Bad troll goes to the ignore cave once again.
IT doesnt happen to all the ROCKETS thats the point as some would lead you to believe and the fact is the hot rod ROCKETS are holding up better than the other modded bikes that come into the shop and CARP has done over 100 Rockets so they know what they are talking about all the bikes have issues that vary depenedending on the makes and models so after working on thousands of bikes over the years Ill listen to CARPENTER so far they only had to repair 4 transmissions in ROCKETS out of over 100 high HP bikes so thats the facts so stop with the ALL THE ROCKETS FAIL NONSENSE thats not the case
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