YES INDEED - Lush "street cams" fit with real life

**** you all. Political correct not. don't buy cheap ****. Try at my best to buy the best available product. plain and simple. Thread ain't about your Political crap or your bull****. IT IS ABOUT BUILDING A GOOD RIDE.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Are you sure you haven't left a screw loose?
Don’t sugar coat it, go ahead and tell em what you really think sonny!

I stopped by Eric Colvins shop Friday. Chatted a while and got a tour of his dyno, it’s an eddy current and he will be ready for either one of us after this week. I told him to hold a spot and we will be in touch. If you will bring the PC3 when you come I would appreciate it, I’ve got it set up with Nev. We can talk more about that later.

Hey, that moly graphite assembly lube your using doesn’t have enough friction modifier in it to effect your clutch does it?

Looks like you have things well in hand there, I’m excited for you, Go sonny!
Will be changing the oil out shortly after i get it running. Why the PC3? He told me that he can tune using Tune ECU. Do you have Tune ECU?
Makes sense now. PC3 is ready whenever you are. Your probably going to be using it before i do. Have to work this weekend coming up so will not have much time for the bike. Twelves all week long on top of that. This weekend was hard. Worked a twelve Thursday. Then spent Friday working on bike. Worked a twelve Saturday and spent Sunday working on bike. Exhausted.:whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling: Am going to call the guy and talk to him again. Last conversation with him he was happy to use Tune ECU. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: Just found out this afternoon all overtime at work is Can-X until next month. They have worked so much overtime already well over budget on payroll. Could not have happened at a better time. :D:D:D:D:D
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Why PC3 and not the more current PC5?
Actually, why any PC?
Following the advice of an expert. :)

Very interesting, as this is contrary to my expert. :D
Being a court qualified "expert" in a different arena myself, I can state do your own research because opinions are usually based upon the expert's personal bias.
Why PC3 and not the more current PC5?
ctually, why any PC?
The PC3 is used for dyno tuning only. Tune is then downloaded and sent to the man in the shed who does his magic and sends you a tune for tune ECU. My objective was to locate a tuner who could tune via Tune ECU on a dyno. Was told by the gentleman that he had the knowledge to do this. Believe he does know how to dyno a bike via tune ECU but the PC3 would make his life easier. Plan on giving the shop a call back and find out what is going on. I would prefer a straight dyno via tune ECU.