After ecta Konrad and i decided to check compression on the Widowmaker, when i was building i had to move intake cam because of cylinder pressure being to high, i finally set to 210psi on all 3 holes, using my harbor freight and kawasaki gauges, well Konrad grabbed his autozone gauge, mine came in at 215psi but Konrad realized my gauge’s werent returning to zero, he thought my gauges were reading high about 25 psi to high, then we checked his gauge 195 on all 3 holes, so we agreed a new better compression gauge should be used, i ordered a new snap on from snap on the best i could afford, i checked today and 1 is 190/ 2 is 190/ 3 is 192. Bummed i messed this up, but knowing i can raise my cylinder pressure quite a bit brings a smile knowing horsepower will come with, so after Arkansas rally im gonna move intake cam and check valve clearances and retune to get ready for ecta fall event. Neville knew i had something wrong immediately but i was sure compression gauges were accurate, not. Anyway engine is doing good after several dynos, long hard runs, full bore runs and hoonin in the mountains. Cant wait to see how 25 psi helps this engine!