Living Legend
Not into your political correct world. Installed and looking good. Got a late start today after working a lot of 12 hour shifts but l can hang.
Cleaned and ready to go
OK Some of you all like the cheap shots I do not. This thread is about the average smock doing a job and doing it right. Get real.
Big difference between the stock cams and the aftermarket. 21 MM on the turning point 22 mm on the new cams. Noticed this when replacing sprockets. As you can tell one is cheap crap the other well.
Really like this stuff when installing new parts.
applied on both sides Stuff works great. Got her all toque down and ready to go
Took four turn around but it worked out good.
By far my best friend when working on a Bike well maybe
She is a 14 year old German Shepard and mean as the day is long. We get along rather well.
No use for this crap if you want them for free PM me.

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