The R3 stock can come off the line harder than the LW, the 0-60 numbers are better for the rocket. 3.0 vs 2.7
While I agree with that on the surface, under ideal circumstances, the Rocket will be a touch quicker. What I've found on the street with my LW is very few bikes, as a practical matter, will beat it off the line. Just like running a Tesla on the street. I've ran my slowest Tesla against a lot of cars that should beat it (at the track anyway) but on the street it is a different story. For my fast Tesla, haven't lost a run on the street.
So much easier to control the output of an electric motor with respect to traction control. It makes launches stupid simple. The same applies to the LW. A lot of bikes can beat it at the track, far fewer on the street.
I've had a lot of dragstrip passes, so I am not a novice at launching. I lined my LW up against my R3R. My son who has almost no experience at the track was on the LW at first and I was on the R3R. I could maybe beat him 0-60 about 1 in 4 times due to the variability of traction as we went light to light. If he was on the R3R and I was on the LW, never did he beat me. The LW almost never spins on launch (unless really slick) and doesn't wheelie when TC is on. It just launches consistently as heck. I have no doubt on a track with good traction I could consistently beat the LW every time with the Rocket. On the street, a lot more challenging due to the variability of traction.
No matter who was on which bike, by the end of the 1/4, though, the R3R was always ahead, even with a bad launch. HD limits the top speed so you pretty much max at 115 before the end of the 1/4 and ride it out to the end. From a roll, the Rocket will always pull my LW, assuming the Rocket is in the best gear. One advantage of the LW is you are always in the "proper" gear.
Anyway the Rocket was never the quickest bike but it is a lot of fun, as is the LW. For me they complement each other very well. The R3R's better pull at high speeds is nice but I can't always use it. The LW's lack of heat on a hot day is a major plus as is always being in the right gear. For me, they are a great pair, even if they overlap in a lot of ways in how I use them. Urban riding clearly favors the LW. When I want to get out of the city, the R3R brings a lot of what I like about the LW but with greater range and better pull at higher speeds.
At this point, I am going to build on the R3R's strengths and go with a Penner tune and Verex exhaust and see if it gets me to where I want to be. If not, maybe I'll up the budget and just go all the way with the supercharger kit.