Newly found drone footage of my 2023 Rocket 3 crash at Bonneville Speed Week

Back seat driver here....
Would any rear brake pressure have helped? i know it happened quick and you did not expect it to go like that. STILL good it happened at a low speed vs high speeds. GREAT FOOTAGE, thanks for the upload
After 13 years of running out on the salt using any kind of brake pressure usually results in breaking the tires loose, however I will say giving it a little more throttle did not work either.😁😁 I've been able to throttle out of rearwheel slides plenty of times out there BUT it was never in combination with a front wheel weave.

Your suggestion might have worked and it certainly would not have been worse than the outcome that occurred.
I have been past the salt flats many times (on the way to Peppermill concerts). Never thought the salt was so rough. I have never actually been out on the salt, but from that video it looked rather patchy.
There have been a few years with the salt was pretty bad 2016, 2019 and of course 2023. This year it was good. Smooth control is rewarded and sudden movements are penalized. Other times the line between totally in control and disaster is just a milliseconds of lack of concentration or a rough course.
After 13 years of running out on the salt using any kind of brake pressure usually results in breaking the tires loose, however I will say giving it a little more throttle did not work either.😁😁 I've been able to throttle out of rearwheel slides plenty of times out there BUT it was never in combination with a front wheel weave.

Your suggestion might have worked and it certainly would not have been worse than the outcome that occurred.
yea... but it's a skill no one really has until they ... like you have... been on a slat flat.
I have a big dirt bike history when i was young and i thought i could ride on salt just as well but i tired riding on sand and someone told me salt was worse!
hindsight right...... the time it took for things to happen, nothing you could have done better IMO.
yea... but it's a skill no one really has until they ... like you have... been on a slat flat.
I have a big dirt bike history when i was young and i thought i could ride on salt just as well but i tired riding on sand and someone told me salt was worse!
hindsight right...... the time it took for things to happen, nothing you could have done better IMO.
This forum has some mighty good riders like you have a competition background and I've picked up a lot of tips along the way. In fact I'd say there aren't but a couple motorcycle forums that has more experienced and seasoned racers than the Rocket 3 forum.

Even though I don't have a Rocket 3 I love riding them and hanging out here.
Well the 1000cc modified partially streamlined supper charged record is 241 mph which probably require close to 300 rwhp. The 1000cc Prouduction record is 205 mph. Not too many 1000cc naturally aspirated production bikes that will run. 200 mph on the salt.

I figure 220 rwhp on a 1000cc sport bike would get close to 205 mph. I've not found a production naturally aspirated 1000cc bike with 220 rwhp yet.😄😄
I thought hitting 200 was the biggie, not necessarily the record.
You were clise on the Ninja, yes?
I thought hitting 200 was the biggie, not necessarily the record.
You were clise on the Ninja, yes?
You know how it is Steve, if you can get 200 mph why not get 206 mph and get a record too in the P-P class? If I'm going to risk it then I want the biscuit. The problem is finding a good used bike with stock pipes keeping us in the Production class (P-P) to get the 205 mph record.

A used bike will probably drive us into the 1000cc modified partially streamlined gas MPS-G class and we would the need 213 mph for a record. Without the stock exhaust we would fall out of the P-P class.

Getting 213 mph will require more horsepower than we can get with a exhaust, airfilter and ECU flash.

I need to hit the lottery before I get to chicken to ride these machines.😄😄