Triumph Quit Ignoring Your Ignition Problems

After reading through the other threads about this that you so nicely offered up, I would say oradbafropsoft (wtf is a fropsoft?);) answer is "sort of" since only one relay is used and power for the lights now goes through the dimmer switch.

I wonder if another relay can just be added to the recall repair so that it would function the same as the EB kit?

Yes? No? Diagram? ;)
What a great group of helpful smart folks!
What a great place to learn important stuff about your motor!
Gratitude :bch:
I'm sure Hanso knows but he's most likely tied up at work - unlike us retired folk. ;) He'll probably be along soon or someone else will be able to tell you. Dealer should bloody know actually.
The Dealer sent a goodwill claim to Triumph on my 08 Classic on the wiring harness & ignition switch kit & Triumph took care of the parts. I had to pay the labor for the dealer to do the work. The dealer installed the ED kit on the headlights for me when they done the wiring harness & ignition switch kit for another fifty bucks. I ended up with $552.00 in the whole job.

$552.00 US dollars!!! That sounds high to me. I paid less than that for my repair, and I had to pay for the new ($200.00) ignition switch. Well, at least the repair is done, and your problem is gone!!! Best of luck!
Is my issue with the ignition?

Hello all. Far from a mechanic--I'm a Paramedic. I have an 07 Rocket Classic. When I turn the key on and the run switch on, my headlights do not come on; fog lights do not come on; gauges light up and do their thing. When I pull the clutch in and press to start, all I hear is a click right by the battery. Battery has 13.7 volts. Fuses are not blown. What are your thoughts? Thank you.
As noted in your other thread, it could be your starter relay. Hope that's all it is and good luck with it.

I just wanted to note the cause of problems with my bike. It's not the ignition switch itself but the connector under the tank. None of the wires look damaged at all but the slightest wiggle will cause the bike to go dead. It's worse in the wet, which seems to have reactivated the problem after more than a year of no trouble with it. I've actually attached a cable tie to the wires now so it pokes out the side of the tank so I can give it a tug without needing to lift the tank. I've since re-greased everything and it seems OK. Guess what I'm saying is that not all apparent ignition switch issues are the switch itself; could just be poor connections.
Ok so I bought Rainmans EB relay kit

What the heck do I do with it:confused::confused:

Is that all he sent you? It doesn't look complete. Coming from the relays you shoudl ahve 2 plugs - a male plug that you plug into the factor connector in place of the headlight and a female plug you plug the headlight into. The 2 leads with eyelets go to battery
Is that all he sent you? It doesn't look complete. Coming from the relays you shoudl ahve 2 plugs - a male plug that you plug into the factor connector in place of the headlight and a female plug you plug the headlight into. The 2 leads with eyelets go to battery

Two of the connectors were plugged together, does this look better?