Triumph Quit Ignoring Your Ignition Problems

i have a headlight/ignition question

my 08 classic which now has an astounding 3400 miles on it, i'm unsure as to whether it has the eastern beaver kit or not. when i turn on the key to start the bike, the headlights are on. when i push the starter button, the headlights go out. does this tell me that my bike has already had the mod done? i bought the bike about a year and a half ago with right at 3k miles on it.
No, that doesn't mean you have relays fitted. The lights are meant to go out when the key's turned. Any mechanic or auto-electrcian could tell you if the mod has been made.

You've done 400 miles in a year and a half? :confused: Sorry, can't quite get my head around that. You'd be on your, what, 3rd tank of fuel? And still with the original set of tyres? You hardly know your machine. Get out and ride, man!
Put a Harley switch on and be done with it. Enjoy the great bike, and stop fighting it. Life is to short.
Add 1 more failure to the list, thankfully it hard failed in the garage AFTER the parade yesterday 20 miles away. A 05 with 25,000 showing, I have been all over without any issues, one hot Iowa day and down it goes. I did resolder the 2 melted connections on the switch and it does work but I have also order the relay kit. The small blob of solder fell out of the switch when I removed the back cover, the contacts were ok but the slide contact was sticking. All better now.
My 2009 R3 classic ignition is going out. Can be doing 2 MPH or 70 MPH and it will just die. Have owned the bike for 26 months. Called the dealer and he said no recall on bike and acted like he knew nothing about the problem but when I told him about the EB switch he said he was going to order one. So after we get all the complaints what are we going to do about this or is there anything we can do and what about the ones that fix there bikes them self's.
The Dealer sent a goodwill claim to Triumph on my 08 Classic on the wiring harness & ignition switch kit & Triumph took care of the parts. I had to pay the labor for the dealer to do the work. The dealer installed the ED kit on the headlights for me when they done the wiring harness & ignition switch kit for another fifty bucks. I ended up with $552.00 in the whole job.
I just had my 2010 Roadster in for servicing and they did the recall. Does this fix the problem, or do I still need to look at the Eastern Beaver solution ?

Nobody answered this fellow, oradbafropsoft. Inquiring minds and other Roadster owners would like to know . . . ? ? ?
Hopefully someone who actually knows will come along - Hanso, where are you? - but I do recall something about the way the recall job is wired still leaves your ignition switch exposed, meaning the EB kit is still beneficial. But I could be wrong.
I had the relay kit put on mine because if you go back and read the recall that Triumph sent they put a relay kit on the ones they recalled.