You don't listen do you????? - You are ALL TALK.....
I have ridden with @cusso ken and he is a seasoned rider and really looks after his bike (Including smooth changes) Not like the rest of us - i would expect to have gearbox issues after reading these posts and knowing how hard I have ridden my R3R.
You don't listen do you????? - You are ALL TALK.....
I have ridden with @cusso ken and he is a seasoned rider and really looks after his bike (Including smooth changes) Not like the rest of us - i would expect to have gearbox issues after reading these posts and knowing how hard I have ridden my R3R.
DIDNT say anything about CUSSO LOL I was thinking about CRAZY DAVE how he would do drugs and drink then go out and blow up and crash his bike and get a ride in a helicopter to the hospital seen him do that right in front of us we dont call him CRAZY DAVE for no reason
A lot of the Klms on my Touring are from long Hauls back and fro two up to visit Relatives in Qld and Old mates in the Central West of NSW plenty of 1000Klm days even our Weekly coffee run with the Mates is a 160Klm ride maybe these prolonged loaded up days have contributed to the gear box problems I have experienced ,I know all things mechanical can fail I am just disappointed but loved the Touring while it lasted and was tempted to have another round with it, but a little oriental missile hooked this old bloke I had forgotten how nice those big Japanese fours are :x3::x3::cautious::cautious: we will see how long the honeymoon lasts:D:D
DIDNT say anything about CUSSO LOL I was thinking about CRAZY DAVE how he would do drugs and drink then go out and blow up and crash his bike and get a ride in a helicopter to the hospital seen him do that right in front of us we dont call him CRAZY DAVE for no reason
Then WHY quote @cusso ken????? None of us would know what the hell your talking about in this context.....
A lot of the Klms on my Touring are from long Hauls back and fro two up to visit Relatives in Qld and Old mates in the Central West of NSW plenty of 1000Klm days even our Weekly coffee run with the Mates is a 160Klm ride maybe these prolonged loaded up days have contributed to the gear box problems I have experienced ,I know all things mechanical can fail I am just disappointed but loved the Touring while it lasted and was tempted to have another round with it, but a little oriental missile hooked this old bloke I had forgotten how nice those big Japanese fours are :x3::x3::cautious::cautious: we will see how long the honeymoon lasts:D:D
Maybe it was too many pastries at the coffee shop adding stress to the tranny...

Oh wait, that was @HansO I was thinking about. :D
Maybe it was too many pastries at the coffee shop adding stress to the tranny...

Oh wait, that was @HansO I was thinking about. :D

Actually a lot Aussies are partial to a the Patisserie and Coffee Shops me included , just thinking about my whingeing about my problems for every complaint on any Forum there is probably hundreds of positive opinions and satisfied owners who don't worry about posting how happy they are with their bike or whatever the Forum is related to people are more motivated if not entirely happy to have a grizzle,
Actually a lot Aussies are partial to a the Patisserie and Coffee Shops me included , just thinking about my whingeing about my problems for every complaint on any Forum there is probably hundreds of positive opinions and satisfied owners who don't worry about posting how happy they are with their bike or whatever the Forum is related to people are more motivated if not entirely happy to have a grizzle,
I'm very partial to pastries and coffee too. Even had the privilege of having dinner and desert with @HansO when he was in New Orleans.
I have informed the Pastry Chef at the Nyngan Bakery and Coffee shop to be aware a the pending arrival of a connoisseur of fine desert pastries will be frequenting their establishment during the RDU Nyngan later this year
so Hanso will be well catered , I might sample a myself if I can find one :laugh::laugh:
DIDNT say anything about CUSSO LOL I was thinking about CRAZY DAVE how he would do drugs and drink then go out and blow up and crash his bike and get a ride in a helicopter to the hospital seen him do that right in front of us we dont call him CRAZY DAVE for no reason
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Crazy Dave . Is he a friend of Crackhead John? :roll: :roll: