I would like hear the experts (triumph's engineers) explain this one.
I know there those amongst us who think it's a missed shift issue or some such ... and it might be in some cases, but certainly not mine. And IF I'M TOO SLOW to accept there could be an engineering problem rather than operator error then we will have a sh1t load of r3 riders worried about shifting to avoid a problem that they have no control over anyway. Maybe it's a dodgy cir-clip that causes missed shifts??
Cum hoc ergo propter hoc..maybe Google that if the previous English argument is difficult to understand.
@warp9.9 ..I agree that besides
@Tripps Touring at seems pretty only roadsters have the issue. They no longer have a separate thrust washer facing the clips either side of 3rd /4th. The thrust washer and splinned bush are now one piece. Is this set up unique to roadsters I wonder??