Engine sputtering and backfiring

With a lot of help from Scott (warp9.9), I was able to fix the bike today. The problem was in the tune. The first tune I loaded got rid of it. Tom (wildchild) sent me a bunch of tunes we could use. Whatever was in the tune the bike had in it when I bought it was also in the next tune as well, as it did exactly the same thing with both. By far the most trouble I had was getting the tuneECU and .NET Framework programs loaded onto my dinosaur of a laptop. I, for the life of me, could not get this **** thing to connect to the internet, either wireless, or Ethernet. I had to download the programs onto my desktop, burn them on a disk, and then load them from the disk onto the laptop. Tom sent me a bunch of maps we could use and the 1st one I loaded did the trick. Once the program is installed, it's easy to use, though I don't think I'm anywhere near ready to start changing parameters in tunes or anything like that, but loading maps is pretty straight forward.

If Scott is considered a captain, he needs to be promoted! This guy knows this program, and this bike inside and out! He's a saint of a man, and I'm very grateful for his help. Also, thanks to Tom as he's been very helpful as well. I know you felt bad Tom because I was having this problem, but I know it was in no way your fault. It was just one of those things that happens to complex machines sometimes, and we just have to deal with it. Thanks to everyone else who took time to offer their inputs. Like I said earlier, this forum is like a tight knit family, and I've never felt more certain of that than I do today.
What tune solved your problem ? How well does this tune work for power and fuel ?

It's a tune that was created by Claviger and Doug, and I have no idea how power and fuel were changed as I was only able to take a 5 min ride, then it started to rain. My butt dyno says it didn't lose any power, but all I know for now is that the bad spot I had in the throttle is gone...
Jim, I've got all the tunes ever loaded in the bike, just so you know.
Would you please send these to me as well. I have a 2006 Rocket III Classic and having identical problems as Grampi. I have not found any other issues. Thanks.
Would you please send these to me as well. I have a 2006 Rocket III Classic and having identical problems as Grampi. I have not found any other issues. Thanks.
I can, but I'm not sure if the newer tunes will be compatible with your '06 ECU. I'll send them after work (tomorrow morning).
We can ascertain that the misfire exists only after a test ride! On a positive not

Failed TPS can be analysed by the Triumph Diagnostic tool. The Reset of the same can also be done. There is an elaborate write up in the Fuel system Engine management portion of the service manual.
I have not been able to find a Triumph Diagnostic Tool for sale (T3880250)