Engine sputtering and backfiring

The bike was in for new fork seals and brakes at the dealer yesterday (wow, stopping is almost as fun as going now!). I had them look for why I am having intermittent running issues, pretty much the usual stuff, high idle, surging, sputtering etc.. They didn't find anything diagnostically (I had reset the adaptions in TuneECU, but not ridden anywhere before it went in), they reset adaptions (again) and it passed all the "tests" on their factory analysis system.
Road test seemed ok. They said see how it adapts over his tank of fuel (they added something to clean the valves). If the issues persist it will be off with the tank and check coils and leads, plugs and maybe a valve service.
I will take a look at the coils and leads, plugs this weekend myself, but apparently since I added the Rivco risers the tank cannot lift back anymore and the bars/risers will have to be removed..

Would an ignition issue cause the adaptions to "drift off" and compound over time? It seems that resetting adaptions is only a temporary solution.

I have risers also and I remove the rear hinge bolt to get the tank up, bit of giggling around but it can be done, once its past the risers I put the tank stay up and slide the rear bolt back in
Apparently my problem was bad fuel. I switched where I get my fuel and problem went away. At least now I know how to do the "tune"

Thanks to all
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Im getting this exact same issue , bike runs so much sweeter when air temp is cold on a hot day it runs like a pig . I also get backfire spluttering when throttle is held with revs in the same range, mostly in the 1st 2 gears. This thread has been a good read from start to finish , i really need to spend a full day going over all vacum pipes/caps and checking all coil leads and connections. Im guessing my problems may be attributed to wrong tune for the setup i have , triple filters , secondary butterflies removed , got Mitch's old headers running into the OEM collector and TORS , i know i should really have this setup tuned by a dyno tuner but unless Santa Clause leaves me a big bag of money i have no chance of that happening, so finding a similar tune to work is more like it for my bike.
One thing that got me thinking was the mention that a backfire may cause a vac line etc to come loose, my bike before christmas gove a big enough cough through one of the throttle bodies to pop the filter off and has run like poo since , might have a vacum problem there somewhere :)
Wrecka, other things that could have presented similar symptoms to that of the OP of this thread are a gunked up idle stepper motor link (easy to clean), a poorly located IAT that's sensing too much hot air coming off the motor (easy to relocate) or a broken sensor at the tip of the IAT (it's a little red and black bulb at the business end of the IAT assembly). Don't ask me how I know, but I was able to correct the raggedy-azzed running conditions I was having late last year per the checks mentioned above. The new IAT sensor (a plug in to the IAT module) cost me 25 bucks on eBay, whereas the nimrods at trimph refused to sell that seperate piece and expected me to pony up about $500 US on a new IAT sensor assembly, including its wiring harness. I told them to bend over and vigorously go eff themselves!:eek::evil::roll:

For Triumph Corporate...

Mines mounted on the rail between middle and rear throttle bodies, you think thats not a good spot mate ? I will have a gander at the condition of the sensor as well , i may have damaged it at one stage, good to know about buying it off ebay though, thanks
That should be OK, Wrecka, but there's a lot of turbulence next to those huge intakes. I moved my IAT to the front of the throttle body rail, about 2-3" forward of the humongous suction of the first intake and secured it with two 8" zip ties to the frame there. It's getting nothing but fresh, unimpeded, ambient air, mate.:thumbsup:
Just to update the thread, now that I've had some more time to ride, I've realized the problem isn't completely gone. It's not nearly as bad as it was before, but it's definitely still there. At least I know the problem is in the tune and not hardware...
Get them to check seating of the throttle bodies in the rubber boots to head.................
Found the Bazzztid
Please excuse the second 1/2 of the thread it has been hijacked.......