WTF was Truimph thinking.
You have to remove the top bolts on the radiator and move her on out. No need to remove it just loosen her up. Bolt is a 5.5 MM. Used some high dollar wire for holding up the cam chain
Have duct tape ready But ain't got around to that yet. Highly recommend replacing the cam chain. The man in the tin shed was correct on this go figure. Cam chain is worn out. Guides are fine and everything else. Chain takes
a beating after 50,000 miles. No cam chain replacement would have never seen any increase in low end or mid range torque. Skip and jump would have have been the best. Getting pretty much lit after a week of very little sleep and drinking. Time to clean up some parts. Very important to clean as you go just don't take much brain work. Most shops just don't get that concept. That is why your cam cover leaks after a thousand miles are less.