YES INDEED - Lush "street cams" fit with real life

Nevs cams are not welded stock cams they are manufactured cams. If you were to get a Carpenter kit the cams are welded and reground by MegaCycle Cams in California.
The difference is obvious between what I’ve got and what I am used to seeing, the craftsmanship shows.
The difference is obvious between what I’ve got and what I am used to seeing, the craftsmanship shows.
The difference well I'm not kicking either ive seen Nevs cams in person good workmanship.
I think he is to busy to machine them himself. But has a great place to outsource them to. If memory serves me right mega cycle cams does both. I have the welded ones look and work great but well it was done by a welder and grind. Being a Tool Maker I would lean towards manufactured ones if I could. But I so far will not say amything negative about either.
Rain all weekend. Figured screw it. Took the day off. Ready to rock and roll. Got to work the weekend anyhow 24 hours plus. Will post later on progress time to get busy.
Condolences for the loss of your Mum Sonny, thinking of you and your family. Glad your Lush cams arrived, something to keep your hands busy and some good vibes flowing.
Nevs cams are not welded stock cams they are manufactured cams. If you were to get a Carpenter kit the cams are welded and reground by MegaCycle Cams in California.

Gratitude, Amigo!
That there was some GOOD poop!
WTF was Truimph thinking. You have to remove the top bolts on the radiator and move her on out. No need to remove it just loosen her up. Bolt is a 5.5 MM. Used some high dollar wire for holding up the cam chain Have duct tape ready But ain't got around to that yet. Highly recommend replacing the cam chain. The man in the tin shed was correct on this go figure. Cam chain is worn out. Guides are fine and everything else. Chain takes a beating after 50,000 miles. No cam chain replacement would have never seen any increase in low end or mid range torque. Skip and jump would have have been the best. Getting pretty much lit after a week of very little sleep and drinking. Time to clean up some parts. Very important to clean as you go just don't take much brain work. Most shops just don't get that concept. That is why your cam cover leaks after a thousand miles are less.
Damper bolt, for vibration. You ought to try getting at it in a motel parking lot at a RAA in Colorado. Kens was loose after the installed the supercharger kit. Amazing how oil finds its way out. Fortunately back then I always carried 40 lbs of tools.
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