YES INDEED - Lush "street cams" fit with real life

Ya buy from the man in the tin shed I would do it his way at then you will be getting live tuning. No shut downs and tune flashing. Like you would have to do with tune ecu or the older tune boy. After you're happy with what he did
You will have a tine saved. You can always let the feller mess with it amd learn. So long as he doesn't screw the bike up you can always go back and load your saved tune.
Obviously I cannot tune the bike in USA from here in Oz. It seems like there is very few tuners in the US who will use other than Power commanders. My (not perfect, but pretty fair) solution from afar is to LOAN a PC 3 to my customer to use with their dyno guy, to do fuelling of the bike. With some emails and messing about I can use the resultant fuel map and my ignition maps to generate a useful tune for customers bike. It works ok, so folk tell me. This is not the best way to tune the bikes, but it is better by far than a poor tune or none. Please write this down so I don't have to explain it again and again. This is part of a service for a customer to help achieve a good result. Nothing more. If a tuner wants to tune the bike properly with whatever software or devices, then knock yourself out, go for it. Pretty much every person I have sent parts to in the US asks if I have a tune to suit. To this point, this is the most viable solution.

Gratitude for your explanation and patience with us mere mortals. I follow what you state, but my question is why use PC3 and not the more current PC5? Is there no difference?
Gratitude for your explanation and patience with us mere mortals. I follow what you state, but my question is why use PC3 and not the more current PC5? Is there no difference?
Who are you calling “mere mortals”? sonny and I both get 10’ tall and bullet proof every evening right around sundown.
Who are you calling “mere mortals”? sonny and I both get 10’ tall and bullet proof every evening right around sundown.

I know that Sonny turns pumpkin at midnight under a full moon!!!
You as well???
Mr olbull, because a) I had one and I'm doing it at MY cost and b) the PC 3 map can be accepted into the Tune ECU software.

Also I would point out that I am just a person who works for a living, nothing special going on here. Just following the instructions. If by saying "mere mortals" you think I am talking down to you are mistaken. If I have given you that idea, then that's not my intent, and apologize. The way you come off always in bold print etc to me is abrasive to me, so maybe the way I speak upsets you. I am trying to be factual as I dislike inaccurate information.

Holy $hit! CHILL OUT, Mr. Lush (I know how you like caps).
"mere mortals" was intended only as a homage to your vast knowledge!
My question about PC3 versus PC5 was merely my attempt to gain some knowledge from you.
By the way - caps are used for many things, including EMPHASIS.
I also dislike inaccurate information and pray tell me what mine were?
My apologies, but you have totally misjudged my comments and intent.
In the future, I shall refrain from bothering you.
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Ya know wot I think...I’m not into this stuff but it might be out forums Zodiac mucking us know the stars and all that doing strange things...maybe somethings moved into Uranus ?...