And only went downhill from there. Took off in the rain to go to annual "Blessing of the Bikes". Didn't get to wet. It stopped drizzling around noon. 1st pic is the blessing, I didn't pan around but there were quite a few bikes there considering the weather. As with most years "not a sky in the cloud". Saw Martin
@Jabol there. Saw a couple other R3's from a distance. The 2nd pic is on the way after the gearbox $hit it's dress big time. I went to down shift to pass a car and ground really bad like I didn't press the lever down far enough. Tried to go back up to 5th and it started grinding really bad and feeling like it wanted to lock up. Got off to the side and idled it about a mile to get off the highway. On the off ramp it tried to lock again real hard so I didn't try to ride it anymore. My brother came and got us and took us home so we could get the trailer. Had to use the engine to get the bike into the trailer. Tranny let me know it wasn't happy about it. Guess I'm starting the gearbox odessy. Might see if I can find a low mileage engine to steal the trans out of. I don't beat this thing and go way above and beyond with maintenance and this is the 2nd time the drive train has f_cked up and tried to lock up at high speed. Starting to wonder about this thing as a long distance vehicle. Time to go eat ice cream.