Well, the day started out $hitty

OK for the spring load on the belllville washer is what absorbs impact and allows thing like dogs to slide by and grab. IMO . The question I would be confused on is do you have a splined washer/shim and splined bushings on the second (as per the books out dated drawing) and third gear out put cluster or is the does both bushings have a shoulder face as a part of them which of course is splined? Just trying to see if your bike has been updated since the torsional damper failed which would also have been updated at the same time. Unless the components of the update increased over time!!!!!!!!! Still we are back to incorrect snap ring assembly as a known issue before considering others possibilities!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is 2nd gear

Here is what I believe Blaine wanted to see. All the clips rest against either a flanged, splined bushing like this


Or a splined thrust washer like so


The only odd one is input shaft 2nd gear. It is splined internally and had a clip on each side of it with no washers at all.

Hey Fred did you buy new shafts, bearings also or just the gear sets and bearings?

Shafts were good for run-out. The guy from Robinson's told me they wash the old bearings out with solvent then put a couple drops of oil on them. If they spin easy with no vibration they re-use them. I did that. One of mine was iffy so it got replaced. He seemed to think a taxi-tested used bearing was less of a crap shoot than a new one.
I also replaced 2nd, third and fourth gears. Fourth will be one of Robinson's billet 4th gears.
Shafts were good for run-out. The guy from Robinson's told me they wash the old bearings out with solvent then put a couple drops of oil on them. If they spin easy with no vibration they re-use them. I did that. One of mine was iffy so it got replaced. He seemed to think a taxi-tested used bearing was less of a crap shoot than a new one.
I also replaced 2nd, third and fourth gears. Fourth will be one of Robinson's billet 4th gears.
ok you cleaned them up so well they looked new :)
I would like to see the budget for this operation . . . or the worksheet for Robinsons. How did you find them ? Where are they ?

If someone else is looking at a make or break decision as you have, it would be useful to have an idea what is involved in getting the gears undercut, purchasing a billet 4th gear, heavy duty snap rings, etc.

Thank you so much for keeping us posted.

Do you have an ETA for being back on the road ? Will we see you soon ?