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OK I am exploring any other possibilities besides a crash/bump/miss shift into fourth. Man I wish I was in Illinois it would be a lot easier to check some things say for instance if the shafts are hardened even if case hardened. I have a bent input shaft there I would love to see how a file reacts on it. Got to be only case hardened or I think I would have done more bending it a 1/8" well besides locking the whole thing up and ruining a set of drawersThe side engagement dogs for fourth gear reach over the forth gear clip. So when it moves in to lock in fourth gear, it momentarily pushes fourth gear into third gear and third gears clip until the dogs engage the windows in fourth gear. I was attempting to shift from fifth to fourth when my clip finally let go.
Another thing we ca not afford to ignore what makes yours different from Mr. Hunt's
In that the snap ring was installed backwards by the technician not the factory.
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