Well, the day started out $hitty

OK I am exploring any other possibilities besides a crash/bump/miss shift into fourth. Man I wish I was in Illinois it would be a lot easier to check some things say for instance if the shafts are hardened even if case hardened. I have a bent input shaft there I would love to see how a file reacts on it. Got to be only case hardened or I think I would have done more bending it a 1/8" well besides locking the whole thing up and ruining a set of drawers

Another thing we ca not afford to ignore what makes yours different from Mr. Hunt's
In that the snap ring was installed backwards by the technician not the factory.
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Check my stuff and did not have the correct ID ones. i did have some thicker clips about .092 or 2.33 mm wide. if u can find some like that (and square up the splines to fit and install it the correct way) i don't think that they would flex and wear out the grove on the shaft.
just an opinion that clip flexes each time u shift till eventually it wears the shaft at kind of an angle and then one good apply and it shoves it out of its grove after that chipped gears.

Thanks for checking ! The R3 R&D department is exploring the possibly of using Spiralox clips and cutting the grooves deeper to allow for a wider and possibly thicker clip.
Thanks for checking ! The R3 R&D department is exploring the possibly of using Spiralox clips and cutting the grooves deeper to allow for a wider and possibly thicker clip.
Ok, Fred which style of splined bushing/thrust washers on second gear? Do you have the newer updated ones Flanged and bushing in one or the older bushing with separate splined shims?
Ok, Fred which style of splined bushing/thrust washers on second gear? Do you have the newer updated ones Flanged and bushing in one or the older bushing with separate splined shims?

I'll have to check when I get home, 2nd gear is still mounted. Something interesting I found is 5th gear on the input shaft has domed spring washers, Triumph calls them "Belleville
washers". It makes 5th gear hard to turn. My guess is to help stop the gears when the clutch is pulled in when in neutral so it doesn't clunk so bad when selecting first gear. That might explain why they are a little tricky to put in first gear.

Ok Disclaimer for premeditated stupidity. But I believe the Belleville washer or spring thrust impact washer is there to absorb and flex as the male dog on dog mesh occurs between third/fourth gear engagement gear (fourth to fifth) and fifth gear, especially since the dogs are not staggered. But hey let me get another Bloody Mary and think on it a while

My 2nd gear has a bushing and a splined thrust washer on one side. The other side rests against machined step in the shaft. As for the Belleville washers I don't know. They are fully compressed, like a controlled drag set up. There are two.

My 2nd gear has a bushing and a splined thrust washer on one side. The other side rests against machined step in the shaft. As for the bellevue washers I don't know. They are fully compressed, like a controlled drag set up. There are two.

OK, the spring load on the Belleville washer is what absorbs impact and allows things like dogs to slide by and grab. IMO . The question I would be confused on is, do you have a splined washer/shim and splined bushings on the second (as per the book's outdated drawing) and third gear output cluster or do both bushings have a shoulder face as a part of them which of course is splined? Just trying to see if your bike has been updated since the torsional damper failed which would also have been updated at the same time. Unless the components of the update increased over time!!!!!!!!! Still we are back to incorrect snap ring assembly as a known issue before considering others possibilities!!!!!!!!!!!!