Was Disappointed With The GIPRO

Yeah i got mine in the same spot as yours Hellfire only difference is mine is blue.
was a tight fit but locates well once its in. The gauges on the roadster looked a little broader to me wich might just make it to tight.
Yeah i got mine in the same spot as yours Hellfire only difference is mine is blue.
was a tight fit but locates well once its in. The gauges on the roadster looked a little broader to me which might just make it to tight.
Mine is snug, without the chrome trim it pushes the gauges apart just slightly. Just enough to "clamp" it into place even without the Velcro.
I have been having an issue with my R3T. When it's under load all seems fine but when the load is off (e.g. cruising at low speed with more or less not load such as through a slow zone or rounding a bend, or cruising at motorway speed with a strong tail wind) the bike runs rough. I surges and feels like it's missing or wanting to accelerate. It's no fun to ride.

The dealer changed the Throttle Position Sensor but it did not fix the problem. I checked for any pinched or blocked hoses to the Mass Airflow Sensor, cleaned, crimped and grease (dielectric) and reseated the coil wires. The problem didn't go away. It turned out to be the GI Pro unit. When I installed the unit (GI Pro w/ATRE) I set it to the recommended setting of "3". The problem disappeared as soon as I ran it on the setting of "-". Same issue on a setting of 4. So the unit works fine as a gear indicator but it would seem I can't use it for that power boost.

Can anyone tell me where the cheapest place is to buy the Gipro and if they are available in Oz as I can only find dealers for them in USA.


Just a thought are you certain you made the wire colour pin connections for the ECU correctly ? I remember it was fidely in that small space..
Is it the correct unit for your model bike as there are 2.
Rocket III [FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Standard/Touring (2004-2010) [/FONT][/FONT]
Rocket III [FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Roadster (2010)

I found mine worked great as standard bike but today after mods its just an indicator.
Call your supplier it maybe faulty or they may have an answer