i have been reading everybodys posts on this topic and i removed my secondarys
and acceleration felt alot smoother then i orderd the GIpro ATRE blue and installed it this morning put it on setting three and went for a spin lol wheel spin on take off awsome acceleration great display luv it
thanks for all the advice it was money well spent
Hardy, did you keep the stock exhaust with download 20366?
Just wondering as I have a TR3 touring with stock exhaust and just want to make sure its the right tune.
What color (Red or Blue) did most of you pick? Is one or the other easier to see in sunlight?
I went with blue mainly because it isn't red. Red to me indicates trouble/danger and I just didn't want that in my periforal vision constantly. The Blue seems easy enough to see in daylight but suffers a little like all such displays in direct sun.
I went with blue mainly because it isn't red. Red to me indicates trouble/danger and I just didn't want that in my periforal vision constantly. The Blue seems easy enough to see in daylight but suffers a little like all such displays in direct sun.
You are so right about red meaning trouble. When the Harley boys see me coming, it means big trouble for their egos as me and the Mulberry (Red) Mistress inevitably leave them behind to bathe in their own tears!
Blue here too,
Because I figured it wouldn't interfere with my vision an looking out for deer
in the middle of the night when I leave for work as bad as red would.
Still easy to see and doesn't hinder my deer watchin....
Hardy, did you keep the stock exhaust with download 20366?
Just wondering as I have a TR3 touring with stock exhaust and just want to make sure its the right tune.
What color (Red or Blue) did most of you pick? Is one or the other easier to see in sunlight?
Took my new R3 from the dealer 15 months ago, TORs fitted 2 months later & GIPro fitted about 10 months ago. Having read this thread by PJ52 when first posted I decided to go through the learning as I also had some problems showing incorrect readings in the low gears. I have recently removed the cat & fitted a by pass unit, and used Tune ECU to download map 20050 to reduce decel popping & to hold open the 2nd baffles. During the snow I ordered a pair of Hagon shocks but my first run out was new years eve, although the ride was only short in distance & duration I was very pleased with the performance & handling. Yesterday I remembered that I had not done the learning bit with the GIPro so I set off to do it, today was my first run with it & the only word that comes to mind to describe the performance is "BRUTAL". My only job now is to remap the ECU with 20050 again but this time I must set the speedo error to 0 as I already have it fixed with a speedo healer & now I'm running 6.5% slow - not a good thing. The power is now so much smoother in it's delivery giving better control in corners, the Hagons provide the tyres (Metzelers) with the ability to grip & the old feeling that the back end was about to break away has now gone or at least very much reduced. The Rocket was never designed as a sports bike & it's weight & size means that it cannot corner like a Daytona or street/speed triple but WOW what an improvement. Thanks must go to all those Captains who have provided help & guidance in pulling me through this especially to "Doug" who has given a virtual correspondence course - "thanks mate" I am now a very happy Captain :