Spoke with an Avon Tire Engineer Today

Our OEM rear wheel is 16x7.5.
Should not we consider 17x 7.5 for the 240/45ZR17 Pilot Power 3?

I also have learned that this 17" PilotPower 3 lowers the rear axle nearly a half inch - not good!
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Oh, well, a I stand corrected, not sure I mentally pulled 8.5 from, might hav been my nether region.

17x8.75 fits, if I get a chance I'll posted some pics later today.

It's right in the size middle of the Excedra Max and the other 16" options, maybe I'm doing the math wrong?
@1olbull and @barbagris As a 17 you can now fit the Pilot Power 3, a tire literally unmatched as a street tire if you consider both wet and dry traction.
And - the 240/45R17 is only fractionally different circumference (ON PAPER) to a 240/50R16 so no ABS issues.

But it's a lot of spondoolicks. Way less than C/F though.
Have to admit I am very uncertain. May write and ask if slimmer rims are possible. eg. a 6" or 6.5"
I don't need the "launch" grip. But slimmer rims (therefore slimmer tyres) should corner better in Sports-Tourer mode in hairpins etc. That matters far more to me.
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AND what 17 inch tires are you going to use ?
I would use the PP3 basically the best actual street tire, I don't count a Q3 as an actual street tire, it's more a DOT legal track tire.

I'm not going the deget route though, just put up info for those who might want to.

@barbagris just be conscious of your wheel base and use of the rear, mine is used edge to edge now that it's stopped raining, not sure if a 200 or 210 would Limit lean angles?
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Question about tire heat and pressure - I installed FOBO bluetooth on my tires (I am notoriously lazy about checking pressures). The cold pressure is fine within 1/2 lb of target (I have the Metz on the rear and Cobra up front) Just got back in from an hour cruise - no highways just some 55mph back roads...the pressures are at 45 front @88 degrees F, rear 48.8 at 102 degrees F...it's only 82 degrees here. I have them both set at 42 lbs cold. Just wondering if iI should be concerned or not - it get pretty warm here in SC and the last thing I want to do is blow a tire going at Rocket speeds....?
42 cold is supposed to be OK. Tires do heat up quite a lot and we just don't realize it because most don't have temp sensors. I ride mostly single and have a 880 pound bike tare weight and I am 220 with my gear on. I use 38 psi in my Cobras and I'm very happy with the results.
I'm 6'8" - 355 and the rocket is 845 dry....so 1200 lbs minimum - - - !Guess it could be a case of Too Much Information.....