She won't go..!!!

I use anti seize with copper in place of dielectric grease. It has worked wonders for me on lots of equipment. Give it a try somewhere, battery connections are a must.

Never heard of using this on electrical equipment other than maybe a battery terminal. I use it to prevent rust and seizing on suspension components, brake calipers, drum brake components, thread lube etc etc.

I guess it could work in a single wire sealed connection but I would be hesitant to slather this stuff over multiple terminals given the fact that copper anti seize is conductive. It could cause the same problem you are trying to prevent by displacing water. Dielectric grease is non conductive and keeps the water out.
Yes you need to use it sparingly, I haven't had it cross contaminate connections.
From what it sounds like, is that you have a bad battery. Yes I know you load tested it, but when you hear that clicking... your battery is on its way out.. Put a new battery in and call it a day!
And get a good one - not a cheapo one from the "We-got-it-all-shop".

I'm now on my 3rd. 3years does seem to be about it on my R3. My landrover is 7-8 year cycle. Guzzi does weird things to batteries - but always has. Some have lasted a decade - others barely a year.
Plus 1
Ok Gents, I have an update.

After cleaning up the battery/starter motor terminals, connections and bolted surfaces. She still would not go.
To cut a long story short, I think there was water in a place it shouldn't have been and it finally dispersed or evaporated. I was able to clear the fault via Tune ECU and away she went.

Thanks for all the advice and input I did receive, appreciated.

WTF? I had this exact problem this morning. I washed the bike yesterday (regular hose and sponge, no pressure washer). I dried it with a chamois but did not ride it. Tried to start it this morning and I'm seeing the same thing. A prolonged ticking sound down low, the gauges sweep when I turn the key, then when I hit the starter it cranks once and stops. The gauges sweep again. There's also a slight (3 seconds or so) delay after the sweep before the starter will respond.
I wash my bike often but have never had a problem from it. I do run the bike after the finale rinse and remove the seat and dry everything out around the battery and fuses. I just let it idle while wiping it down until the fan comes on.
if your relays r upside down then they will fill with water and will not work very good.