Won't start headlights stopped working.

This is what's crazy. Switch off, I have power to #30.
Switch on, I have power to #30, #87a.
When I press the start button I have power to #30, #87a, #86, and #85. But no click and no power to #87 (goes to solenoid). If I just power from #30 to #87. Bike starts up fine. I would think the relay is bad. But I put in a new one and still no luck. Even tried parking the victory motorcycle behind her instead of in front. Didn't make a difference.
This is what's crazy. Switch off, I have power to #30.
Switch on, I have power to #30, #87a.
When I press the start button I have power to #30, #87a, #86, and #85. But no click and no power to #87 (goes to solenoid). If I just power from #30 to #87. Bike starts up fine. I would think the relay is bad. But I put in a new one and still no luck. Even tried parking the victory motorcycle behind her instead of in front. Didn't make a difference.
OK hook up a test light
clamp on neg battery and probe to 85 just lift the relay just enough to insert the probe.
i am thinking that one of the safetys is not working. but i think that the test light probe will over ride it.
try pushing the starter button in hard then work it around while trying to start it.
Cleaned the contacts on starter button. Got nutral lite. What I did is install a remote switch wired in. So, turn on key hit new button and wahala runs great. Toyota starter spins the motor better than ever even with the lites staying on.
Gremlins are not my friends. Everything else works. So I don't know. Thank you soo much for all your help with this issue. R3owners are the Best 👌

New starter switch. 🙃


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Anyone know if the triumph 5 pin start relay is unique? Or is it same as automotive relay..