"Won't start" hat trick!

Got it downloaded - just waiting on the cable to cross the pond.

Is there an easy way to tell if the headlight relay mod has been installed? And, if not, where can I find one?

Also, would the light be on if that was the failure point?

Oh, I really hate it when this happens.

Went out to start troubleshooting. Started to take the side panels off, got the bolts out of the right one and thought I'd check to see if I could hear the started solenoid with the seat off.

I couldn't hear it over the engine firing right up.

Nothing gives me the red-butt like intermittent BS. Of course I'm going to ride it, since its my only transpo until the brake pads for the cage get here. Fortunately, I don't have anywhere I need to go that isn't within my roadside coverage if it poops the bed while I'm out.

I would think if it's an issue with the headlight relay, that's not going to fix itself. I'd definitely like to confirm whether that's been done and, if not get it sorted proactively.
And just when my car is down.

Haven't been able to ride much but went to start the '05 Classic yesterday and it powered up, needles danced, fuel pump whirred, but no joy when I hit the start switch. Not so much as a click, and the lights didn't go out. It did this once last time I rode it - I fiddled the key and flicked the kickstand and cycled the clutch lever and put it in gear and back in neutral several times and it fired right up. It was fine for the several additional starts that day.

It warned me, but I didn't heed it. After sitting a couple weeks now its done it again and none of those things helped. Let me know if I'm looking in the wrong direction, but I'm suspecting either one of the safety switches - clutch, neutral, or kickstand, the go button itself, or the starter relay.

Any suggestions on where I should start trouble shooting? Any good ways to bypass those safety switches so I can get mobile while I wait for parts?

Thanks in advance to the brain trust!

The best place to start with a problem like this is at the starter relay. The ecu monitors all the safetys and then grounds the starter relay on terminal 85 so you can ground terminal 85 and that will bypass all starter safetys make sure that the bike is in neutral.
Also you can remove starter relay an jumper number 30 to 87 but it will keep starter engaged till jumper is removed.
If you can rule out the starter relay I'd agree with several others voting for a bad ignition switch. I had to repair mine on the '11 Roadster

That's a good trick to have up my sleeve.

Currently, diagnosis is paused while the bike is operating as normal. they use the same relay for starter, fuel pump, and ecu don't they? I've had the fuel pump just go bad, and now this is acting suspiciously. I may just get a spare and keep it in the saddlebags in case any one of them fails.
If you can rule out the starter relay I'd agree with several others voting for a bad ignition switch. I had to repair
This test does not rule out a bad relay however if it starts then from the relay wire number 87 to the starter would be good including battery.
Now you could check at relay number 30 for positive and check number 86 for positive comming from starter button and number 85 for ecu ground.
As you can see the starter relay is a great place to start checking for starter problems as long as you know how to check it.
That's a good trick to have up my sleeve.

Currently, diagnosis is paused while the bike is operating as normal. they use the same relay for starter, fuel pump, and ecu don't they? I've had the fuel pump just go bad, and now this is acting suspiciously. I may just get a spare and keep it in the saddlebags in case any one of them fails.
The starter relay is a 5 terminal relay and it can be used to replace all the 4 terminal relays so i always use the 5 terminal relay to replace the others.
If the fuel pump doesn't run in the first 2seconds with key on then you have main power problem.
This test does not rule out a bad relay however if it starts then from the relay wire number 87 to the starter would be good including battery.
Now you could check at relay number 30 for positive and check number 86 for positive comming from starter button and number 85 for ecu ground.
As you can see the starter relay is a great place to start checking for starter problems as long as you know how to check it.
Have mercy, I bow to your expertise. Your level of understanding is very impressive.