Front wheel bearing gone

Approx. how many miles on that bearing when it failed? I have approx. 37,000 miles on my '06 Classic so wondering if I need to add bearings to my 'to do' list.
Yeah I'm at just short of that ... About 27,000 ISH last time I checked
I'd agree if you have the time and energy defo replace them at about 20k ... See thing is I'd taken it off the road ready to give it a huge overhaul I've had it about 12 to 15 years and do e very little to it but then I had a catastrophic gearbox failure on my clown car (microcar) and had to dig the rocket out from the back of the graveyard (my garage) and had to throw it all back together to get to work and had no time money or energy to sort it since (hence the huge list of problems I've posted on here in the last few months , I'm still just winging it to keep me able to get to work but at this point there isn't much more that can go wr..... No nevermind I'm not saying it lol