stand up straight and grab the world by the a$$
we always appreciate everyone's opinion and i just hate to correct anyone but feel i must.I had the same issue with intermittent misfires. I chased gremlins all over the engine for several weeks.
Turned out that lightly snug spade connections on the coils is definitely not tight enough.
When the ECU detects a momentary open connection on a coil it shuts the coil's power until the engine is stopped and re started.
Drove me nuts. Got code for coil 3 changed it then next start got code for 2 and 3.
About this time I ran across several old posts about this issue.
Tightened coil 2 and e and still didn't run exactly right until I dug down and did coil#1 .
After I flattened the female connectors enough that they were hard to connect then all the engine issues suddenly dissapeared!
the power to the coils comes from the ign switch and then to engine management relay the ecu does not control this power.
you are correct that the loose wires that the ecu grounds can not ground (if loose) good so the coil will not fire correct.