You have to take into consideration that these 20 somethings have been raised on EV bikes and scooters since early childhood. Their parents purchase them so the kids growing up have little 'Pride Of Ownership'. They ride them then park them in the garage to recharge. It's simple just unplug and ride. Instant access and gratification. They are wired differently pertaining to 2 wheels. They are not instructed on the rules of the road as you can see 10 year old's out riding blowing stop signs and running people off the sidewalks. I don't have a problem with these kids growing up and not owning a motorcycle in the least (or a car). They really don't have the background of parents/grandparents riding motorcycles, the joy of knowing the sounds and smells and being taught the skills necessary to ride safely. Social Media seems to be the driving force behind some younger people riding for their life driven constant attention and self worth. I would never discourage anyone to not do anything they want to accomplish. I just don't have a problem if they don't pertaining to motorcycles.
This coming from a slightly elder motorcycle rider. By the way, Stay off my lawn.