stand up straight and grab the world by the a$$
I checked vacuum on each throttle body: All seem good, including the "suspects" #2 & 3! Needle oscillated wildly (as per your warning) but clearly shows good vacuum.
When measuring directly (not teed in) on the tubing feeding the MAP sensor, I'm down to practically atmospheric again.
Disconnected all hoses from the 3 into one fitting and measured vacuum on each body via its vacuum hose, good vacuum on all 3..
Pressurized the 3 into 1 fitting, no leak.
What witchcraft is at play here?
I have heard of the plastic connector Cracking and leaking.
If the hose is to soft then it might colaspe cutting off vacuum.
Map sensor could have cracked or broken.
I would buy a vacuum pump and put the whole system on the bench and start checking. Golf tees make good plugs 22 shells. I have surgical pliers to clamp off hoses also you can bend the hoses . Also you can blow air in them under water