@aviation1972. maybe we should start an "Out of gas aviation" thread. I have a few from my swimmer days in the Navy.
Like I mentioned before, I too love the idea of having longer range between fill ups. I grew up in North Texas and had bikes with 100=150 mile range but always wanted longer runs between gas stops. Back then, gas stations closed at 10pm so trip planning was very important.
My VMAX was good for 100 miles and traveling the interstate was always a pain stopping every 65 to 70 minutes for gas. My late brother-in-law had a VTX that would cover 200 miles easily and gave me a load of crap for stopping so much. On one trip though, I would stop for gas and he would continue on. I would catch him about a quarter of the way to the next stop. Man I loved that VMAX for its 'hurry-upness"