I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

If you have a top case there are some nifty Fuel tanks designed for Drag/Race cars - filled with explosafe which apart from the safety aspect also stops "sloshing". Seen a couple that would serve for longer hauls. Thought of using a 12V pump on a switch that feeds in via a modified keyless fuel filler cap. I´d like to be able to do Madrid-Santander with no stops - 450kms. 10L - or maybe 15L to be safe - should do it. Maybe using the LOW FUEL light circuit to trigger top ups in 5L increments (timer). This of course will bugger up the FuelBot but.......
Very good discussion. Lots of funny and serious comments. BigNorm is talking like I'm thinking. I don't want a second fuel tank, or an auxiliary tank. I only want a single gas tank. One that looks stock, with a "purrty" paint job on it, matching the rest of the bike. And, BigNorm is thinking like I am. Once the oem air box is removed, and the K&N's are installed, there's a sizable hollow area under the current fuel tank. That space could be utilized in a redesign, limiting the visible enlargement of the new tank, ( a little ). This is a mod I would gladly pay for. Wonder who could, ( or would ), manufacture it? I hate to whine, but some of you asked, "why" I would want such a thing? Out here in West Texas, there are some lengthy stretches. I may skip my leg stretches, but I like keeping the bike wet.
Very good discussion. Lots of funny and serious comments. BigNorm is talking like I'm thinking. I don't want a second fuel tank, or an auxiliary tank. I only want a single gas tank. One that looks stock, with a "purrty" paint job on it, matching the rest of the bike. And, BigNorm is thinking like I am. Once the oem air box is removed, and the K&N's are installed, there's a sizable hollow area under the current fuel tank. That space could be utilized in a redesign, limiting the visible enlargement of the new tank, ( a little ). This is a mod I would gladly pay for. Wonder who could, ( or would ), manufacture it? I hate to whine, but some of you asked, "why" I would want such a thing? Out here in West Texas, there are some lengthy stretches. I may skip my leg stretches, but I like keeping the bike wet.


Home - Austin Speed Shop
Just got off the phone with the shop in Austin. They're only customizing cars these days. Referred me to a place called "Chopper Supply" in Dallas or Fort Worth. I'm about to look them up.
No wait... EasTexRIII.... You mean a possible new gas tank fabricator? Jessie James' shop in Austin? I'm checking it out, right now. Thanks. That's no joke.
THATS a waste of time and energy as you already have all the range you need to get from station to station . so I dont think it would be a good seller BUT if you had a VMAX that only holds 3.8 gallons and gets 20 MPG
THATS a waste of time and energy as you already have all the range you need to get from station to station . so I dont think it would be a good seller BUT if you had a VMAX that only holds 3.8 gallons and gets 20 MPG
I guess you're right, IMFASTTOO... I said, I was "dreaming". Might cost me a couple thousand, just to get someone to create a custom made 8 gallon tank for my Rocket. You're also right. You said, a poor seller. Well, I'm the only customer I know of. That might be a waste of my time, and my energy. Not so sure it would be a waste of my money, though. Probably, but not sooooo sure about that. I love my Rocket 3. Keeping it for the rest of my life. Hopefully, that'll be a long while. But, to be serious about your point, IMFASTTOO... I am able to get from station to station now. That's true. Sometimes, however, it seems like, just barely. I'd really enjoy having more of a cushion. Am I being silly?