I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

I guess you're right, IMFASTTOO... I said, I was "dreaming". Might cost me a couple thousand, just to get someone to create a custom made 8 gallon tank for my Rocket. You're also right. You said, a poor seller. Well, I'm the only customer I know of. That might be a waste of my time, and my energy. Not so sure it would be a waste of my money, though. Probably, but not sooooo sure about that. I love my Rocket 3. Keeping it for the rest of my life. Hopefully, that'll be a long while. But, to be serious about your point, IMFASTTOO... I am able to get from station to station now. That's true. Sometimes, however, it seems like, just barely. I'd really enjoy having more of a cushion. Am I being silly?
I usually wait for the light to come on or I will even go longer but I never had a problem getting to a station with my Rockets BUT my VMAX was a different story never had to walk but it would make you nervous in 80 miles or so
THATS a waste of time and energy as you already have all the range you need to get from station to station

Not true. I ran out of gas last year on my way to Sturgis somewhere between Ft. Stockton and El Paso having filled uo in San Antonio. Rockets mileage goes way down above 80 mph and there are long stretches between stations in west Texas so I can understand his point.
Declaring something as a waste is all dependent on personal perspective. Some people may think the stock hp and torque on a Rocket is a waste, yet there are many people upping performance.

Do what you like and get what you want. To hell with anyone that thinks badly of your choices. We are on motorcycles after all and there is not much more on this earth that can be as much of an individual thing.
You are SO RIGHT, WyldCFH. You....."get it". I'm glad somebody does. Flying, ( as a pilot ), is something else, ... another activity, where "preventive maintenance" is even more important than it is in motorcycling. True, you "can" walk if forced to, after running out of gas on your Rocket, or your Vmax. But, there's no such thing as walking on air, if you're flying an airplane. I guess that's where my mentality comes from. I am not going to apologize for that. As I said in an earlier post, I like to keep my bike "wet", ( same as my airplanes ). If I'm nervous on the bike, playing the odds with a "pucker factor", then I'm not having fun. A little bit of gas "can" go a long way, when it comes to having peace of mind.
When Towing camper I usually carry a 10 litre fuel can on trailer as Fuel milage suffers if I start going a bit harder.
I have alway thought that the good ol fuel tap with a reserve position is still the best way to go I have had a my fuel light come on early a few times on spirited runs and only just made next servo and unless you stop at every servo along the way it would be easy to get caught out if you went past a servo thinking you had enough to make the next one but miscalculated your range, I try to plan my fuel stops before light comes on but have actually found that sometimes in the back blocks the servo may be closed earlier on weekend days as I actually found in a little town (while travelling on my own between my awesome hosts) while I was in USA last year I pulled into a servo at 13.30hrs on a sunday arvo just as the owner/worker was locking front door luckily for me being an Aussie in the States (the 'mericans) love our accent and he took pity on me and unlocked and switched on a pump.
So yeah a little reserve (insurance policy) fuel tank on back is a good idea
Hey EasTexRIII.... I found the Chopper Supply place in Denton, Texas near Fort Worth, and they do fabricate motorcycle gas tanks. They have several on their website. Of course, they are all smaller than ours, ( they're for choppers ). So I've made my request, and I'm waiting for their reply. Wonder if they'll laugh at me? Or, reply at all?
Hey EasTexRIII.... I found the Chopper Supply place in Denton, Texas near Fort Worth, and they do fabricate motorcycle gas tanks. They have several on their website. Of course, they are all smaller than ours, ( they're for choppers ). So I've made my request, and I'm waiting for their reply. Wonder if they'll laugh at me? Or, reply at all?
Du'h - what's a Triumph? man! Hmmmm - just discovered that AH fabrications is close to my cousin. Hmmmmmm.
@aviation1972. maybe we should start an "Out of gas aviation" thread. I have a few from my swimmer days in the Navy.

Like I mentioned before, I too love the idea of having longer range between fill ups. I grew up in North Texas and had bikes with 100=150 mile range but always wanted longer runs between gas stops. Back then, gas stations closed at 10pm so trip planning was very important.

My VMAX was good for 100 miles and traveling the interstate was always a pain stopping every 65 to 70 minutes for gas. My late brother-in-law had a VTX that would cover 200 miles easily and gave me a load of crap for stopping so much. On one trip though, I would stop for gas and he would continue on. I would catch him about a quarter of the way to the next stop. Man I loved that VMAX for its 'hurry-upness"