I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

Hey EasTexRIII.... I found the Chopper Supply place in Denton, Texas near Fort Worth, and they do fabricate motorcycle gas tanks. They have several on their website. Of course, they are all smaller than ours, ( they're for choppers ). So I've made my request, and I'm waiting for their reply. Wonder if they'll laugh at me? Or, reply at all?

Perhaps they would welcome a "bigger" challenge ;)
Not true. I ran out of gas last year on my way to Sturgis somewhere between Ft. Stockton and El Paso having filled uo in San Antonio. Rockets mileage goes way down above 80 mph and there are long stretches between stations in west Texas so I can understand his point.
SO the stations are how far apart ? sounds like bad planning to me I know a guy whos run out of gas several times on his HYABUSA his name is CRACKHEAD JOHN and he lives in an area where stations are everywhere the Rocket will get 30 to 40+ MPG on the open road so thats going to give you plenty of range to get from station to station unless your in the most extreme locations and then you can always carry a gas can for those rare rides BUT you can make anything you want if it makes you happy so Im interested to see one of these 8 to 10 gallon tanks that the custom builders come up with
I am thinking if this tank gets made....you really owe it to the bike to paint the whole thing.....and for sure, by the time you paint the tank, very little more paint would do the rest of it! I am thinking custom colors!
@aviation1972. maybe we should start an "Out of gas aviation" thread. I have a few from my swimmer days in the Navy.

Like I mentioned before, I too love the idea of having longer range between fill ups. I grew up in North Texas and had bikes with 100=150 mile range but always wanted longer runs between gas stops. Back then, gas stations closed at 10pm so trip planning was very important.

My VMAX was good for 100 miles and traveling the interstate was always a pain stopping every 65 to 70 minutes for gas. My late brother-in-law had a VTX that would cover 200 miles easily and gave me a load of crap for stopping so much. On one trip though, I would stop for gas and he would continue on. I would catch him about a quarter of the way to the next stop. Man I loved that VMAX for its 'hurry-upness"
YEP the Vmax had a small tank but wasnt that bad because we would always want to stop anyway to stretch our legs etc.