Very good discussion. Lots of funny and serious comments. BigNorm is talking like I'm thinking. I don't want a second fuel tank, or an auxiliary tank. I only want a single gas tank. One that looks stock, with a "purrty" paint job on it, matching the rest of the bike. And, BigNorm is thinking like I am. Once the oem air box is removed, and the K&N's are installed, there's a sizable hollow area under the current fuel tank. That space could be utilized in a redesign, limiting the visible enlargement of the new tank, ( a little ). This is a mod I would gladly pay for. Wonder who could, ( or would ), manufacture it? I hate to whine, but some of you asked, "why" I would want such a thing? Out here in West Texas, there are some lengthy stretches. I may skip my leg stretches, but I like keeping the bike wet.