Tis been an arduous evening as I have succumbed to my OCD in order to accomplish a project that I have contemplated for a few years! I . . . have . . . created . . . a .PDF file (2.88 MB) of the Rocket Roadster Supplement! Cannot attach here, but if youse interested will PM me with an email. I shall send it over!
Yeah yeah - Headights!
I implore all R3 roadster captains on this site to take advantage of the mighty Bulls offer !
This supplement covers ABS brake bleeding amongst other really useful information for the roadster , thus saving many questions and making far more time for general arseing about ! Thanks Steve for making this vital information available . Hooray to OCD ! :rolleyes: :)
Steve! Steve! He's our man! If he can't do it no one can!
Gooo Steve! Gooo Steve!

Please include me,, anything to stay away from the stealership, did I tell you that they only put 4 3/4 qts of oil in my Rocket? :eek: Didn't drain one of the sumps, :thumbsdown: How can you trust an outfit like that, besides I've been wrenching on my Bonnie since 2001, however still lots to learn. Thanks Big Guy!!:sneaky:
