VIDEO | Ran accross this accident on freeway this memorial day weekend | Tell me your thoughts

Not if you're Marion Robert Morrison and have two friends - Smith and Wesson.

For those not in the know:

Marion Robert Morrison

Also Known As: "Marion Mitchell Morrison", "John Wayne", "The Duke"
That was awesome @1K9 thanks for sharing just Googling him now for more info. A funny man, not sure yet when he made that presentation to an obviously Aussie crowd so I presume at Phillip Island. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

Best 45 m in I have had in a while, awesome riders. Extremely sad to see he died so young.
John Hinds (doctor) - Wikipedia
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And a felony charge for leaving the scene of an injury collision . . .
A DD in the middle of the fu*kin day? What a douche-cannon!!!
The video guy did great! But if the puke had rushed me like seen in the video, I'da had to say or do something to fend him back outta my space!
Dedicated alcoholism takes a lot of hard work. You've got to make sure you've got hard liquor on hand all the time in case sobriety starts to creep in.

What would you do if you saw all this happening? I was impressed with the few people trying to help but also disgusted with how many people just drove on by. Let me know what you guys think.
we owe it to each other to hold the other guy responsible if he doesn't have the decency to stop.
@Laverada I intend to stop at all vehicle accidents if I am first on the scene and it is safe for me to do so. I have told the many stories here about doing just that. If EMS or Police are on scene, I pass by and let them handle it.
For my last mishap in 2012 when I hit the fawn on my FZ1, the two cars behind me on the off ramp curve did not stop to help. That really angered me. I was not in dire straights and only broke one rib and fractured my sternum from top to bottom, but I could have been worse.
I appreciate the biker with the camera on to record what the drunk said and how he acted. I am sure that helped police a lot.
Going after the potential drunk driver is a risk that any of us should weigh before engaging in through. It is pretty tough to fight someone from the saddle...

GOODONYA! :thumbsup:
Same here, Amigo.