@Laverada I intend to stop at all vehicle accidents if I am first on the scene and it is safe for me to do so. I have told the many stories here about doing just that. If EMS or Police are on scene, I pass by and let them handle it.
For my last mishap in 2012 when I hit the fawn on my FZ1, the two cars behind me on the off ramp curve did not stop to help. That really angered me. I was not in dire straights and only broke one rib and fractured my sternum from top to bottom, but I could have been worse.
I appreciate the biker with the camera on to record what the drunk said and how he acted. I am sure that helped police a lot.
Going after the potential drunk driver is a risk that any of us should weigh before engaging in through. It is pretty tough to fight someone from the saddle...