VIDEO | Ran accross this accident on freeway this memorial day weekend | Tell me your thoughts

Thanks guys for all the feedback guys. When people are texting, distracted, or drunk they never seem to think how dangerous they become to other drivers...especially motorcyclist. This ol man was just joy riding and never deserved to be run into by some prick.
I'm impressed that dude tracked down the other car. no doubt the police would have caught up to him soon enough, but adding another data point to the intoxication is helpful.
It was also fortunate he had it all on film - otherwise just heresay.

Ages ago I stopped at an accident in Austria and the next responder suggested I leave before the cops arrived as if called to witness I was going to be a long way from home. This was all pre-mobile phone - he asked me to drive to call the police and tell them that I'd been asked to do so by the first responder. Was a generous thought.
ḱinell. Dunno about OZ - but here he'd not be driving any more Public Service vehicles (buses/taxis etc).
I blame marsupial abuse.
The unfortunate incident for the HD owner. Hopefully he's ok.

If there's any justice the drunk will get a felony attempted vehicular manslaughter charge to go with his DUI, Tailgating, too fast for conditions, reckless driving, and fleeing the scene of an accident charges!

And a felony charge for leaving the scene of an injury collision . . .
A DD in the middle of the fu*kin day? What a douche-cannon!!!
The video guy did great! But if the puke had rushed me like seen in the video, I'da had to say or do something to fend him back outta my space!
ḱinell. Dunno about OZ - but here he'd not be driving any more Public Service vehicles (buses/taxis etc).
I blame marsupial abuse.
Yeah he is being charged with multiple offences and you need a clean license to drive public use vehicles. :thumbsup:
@Laverada I intend to stop at all vehicle accidents if I am first on the scene and it is safe for me to do so. I have told the many stories here about doing just that. If EMS or Police are on scene, I pass by and let them handle it.
For my last mishap in 2012 when I hit the fawn on my FZ1, the two cars behind me on the off ramp curve did not stop to help. That really angered me. I was not in dire straights and only broke one rib and fractured my sternum from top to bottom, but I could have been worse.
I appreciate the biker with the camera on to record what the drunk said and how he acted. I am sure that helped police a lot.
Going after the potential drunk driver is a risk that any of us should weigh before engaging in through. It is pretty tough to fight someone from the saddle...
As others have said, there's a trooper/cop there already, which means an ambulance is on its way. Unless the victim/bystander ratio is less than 1:1, no need for more people to stop and muddle things up more. That just ties up more traffic and creates the potential for more collisions. Also, standing on the highway is more dangerous than people realize (well, most people). Fire trucks purposely park across lanes in front of scenes like that to act as a barrier for the responders working in the road. Adding people who don't have the awareness to stand on the side of a road is bad.

As for CPR, if they don't have a pulse and aren't breathing they need an airway so the helmet needs to come off. If that doesn't work they need chest compressions. Of course, at that point it's largely too late, but who knows - might be that one in a million. (not being callous, but traumatic cardiac arrests virtually never have a good outcome)

I'm impressed that dude tracked down the other car. no doubt the police would have caught up to him soon enough, but adding another data point to the intoxication is helpful.

Very few survive traumatic cardiac arrest. This racer gave his life learning and teaching how work the scene.

I carry one or two fire extinguishers. They might give someone a few precious seconds to escape death.
Deciding weather to stop or not is a very individual decision with too many variables.
If you decide to stop, don't become part of the crash.

The author did the right thing. Look for the bike or another victim and get them off the road.
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