HAHAHA YES thats funny and they are Friends LOL What a crew of missfits TRUMP PHIL has met these clowns CRACKHEAD was so drunk one night he dropped his bike 3 times WOW what a nut case
every village has its idiot . Im guessing that village has stolen everyone elses ?
Phil will never make President hanging around with people like that !

@mr hunt I feel your pain!

In my case, the circlip was out, but no-one was really interested in investigating the probable cause. It wasn't even noted whether the circlip was correctly orientated.
I understand that there are time and cost restraints, but this was a perfect opportunity to make some sense of it all. If not only, to prevent a recurrence.
I haven't abused this bike, I haven't even missed a gear, so why, after only 10,000 miles?
However, I am very grateful to Triumph Birmingham UK, for their help and understanding and (most of ) the comments of advice posted here.
It's very close to the 500 mile oil change, so here's hoping for many more trouble free miles of travel
I have already purchased the Amsoil
P.S. How do you delete 'misposts'?

I know dealers here feedback info to Triumph Aus so I imagine (especially given yours was a warranty job) that triumph UK are well aware of the problem.

This probably points more to a quality control issue that modern manufacturers face when they don't necessarily produce and assemble all of the bikes components in-house. To start off, all I wanted to know from my dealer was if triumph assembled the transmission or received the completed shafts from somewhere one could answer the question.

Don't know how to delete posts but I do know where you can find the 'ignore' function so you don't have to waste oxygen reading the posts of certain mouth-breathers...
ok all,i have had a few issues regarding shifting from 4th to 5ft gear,a loud clatter niose appers ??
went to my dealer today were i purchased it,i had already mentiond it to them not long after i brought it.
today they said they would strip the box down for me and check whats going wrong,its booked in for next month,also there supplying me with a loan bike.
no hassle i didnt have to beg,but i did mention regarding a few of the roadsters going bang.
i will not mention the dealers untill the problem has been resolved.
watch this space.
my bike is a 65 plate, 3500miles on it roadster.
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red, have you noticed any change to the box,as in is it any less clunky ??

@tails, sorry to hear about you experiencing The Dreaded Mysterious Rocket Roadster Curse, otherwise known as:
Catastrophic Unidentified Roadster Scourge Emergency (C.U.R.S.E.)

Yes! The gear changing is ultimately smoother, with the occasional 'clunk' from 2nd to 1st, when rolling.
This is a recognised, albeit 'Secret' Problem, that Triumph should own upto and take on board...but they won't, because the Rocket 3 is no longer in production.

As you will know, EVERYTHING has to be replaced, not just the damaged parts, as you can't trust anything that 'looks' ok, unless you can have it Crack Tested and Certified.

I would imagine that those £25 - £100 parts, actually cost pennies. It would be good to see them admit to this and supply full replacement gearbox kits

Good Luck, Fella...Keep us posted