Somebody's been in there as they have blue marked the fixings...a lot of Triumph dealers do this and use blue colour too ironically,its a way of checking the bolts and fixings have been torqued up correctly.
Somebody's been in there as they have blue marked the fixings...a lot of Triumph dealers do this and use blue colour too ironically,its a way of checking the bolts and fixings have been torqued up correctly.

Could be they are marking the bolts that get staked figuring every bolt gets torque spec's no matter where. Just thinking out loud here.
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Well I'm feeling tapped out for the day. Lots of positive discoveries, and some not so positive. But motor is ready to come out. Still have the right side floor board and brake cylinder to get off. 20171126_164126.jpg
Also discovered when pulling the swing arm, the driveshaft splines were very clean and fresh looking. 20171126_141905.jpg 20171126_141848.jpg 20171126_142929.jpg

In the last picture is that the torsional damper cover where the drive shaft went into the rear of the engine?

@Rocket Scientist Fred what you seeing in that last picture or am I not holding my face straight.
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