Any good way of rolling the motor over once removed to get to its soft innards? Suggestions, tips? I'll be using my engine hoist to lift the bike and motorcycle/ atv jack for the motor support. Too bad i can't use my engine stand too.
I used my motorcycle jack to take engine out of frame. Then I used a couple of old chair cushions. Rolled it off the jack onto one of them. Then rolled it onto it's head on the other one, and propped it with a block of wood. In the bottom pic, laying on the board, you'll see what looks like a connecting rod cap. It supports the trans output bearing. That falls off when you remove the crankcase bolts. It's a good idea to put a mark on it when you remove the torsional damper so you don't have to bother @warp9.9 for a picture of which way it goes :rolleyes:. At times the pictures in the manual are not detailed enough to tell which direction some parts go.


Any good way of rolling the motor over once removed to get to its soft innards? Suggestions, tips? I'll be using my engine hoist to lift the bike and motorcycle/ atv jack for the motor support. Too bad i can't use my engine stand too.

Fred has you straight. Just make sure you roll to the exhaust side. That way the shifting fork spline does not hit the ground. As for supporting it I used a wooden crate made to fit the head -- worked out well. Oh, and the best secret I can give is run out to Big Lots and buy a rug and put in on the floor. A rug is much better on the old knees and you can roll it up and give it to the garbage man when you're done.


Below is a shot of it in the crate next to the donor motor. :D

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Fred has you straight just make sure you roll to the exhaust side that way the shifting fork spline does not hit the ground. as for supporting it I used a wooden crate made to fit the head worked out well. Oh and the best secret I can give is run out to big lots by a rug and put in on the floor its much better on the old knees and you can roll it up and give it to the garbage man when your done.


below is a shot of it in the create next to the donor motor :D

Good enough here, exactly what I was looking for. Support and rolling over stuff. I definitely don't wish to remove the head. Anyone have the dimensions of the cam holder i can probably fab 1, just would like to have that done before i need it.
Yep, just rechecked manual, remove cam chain is listed in steps to split the case. Gggrrrrr

No bud. You do as Fred said; you can split the motor and take the complete transmission out without disturbing the cam timing. The motor in the box was done that way -- in fact it still has the cam cover on it you just cannot see it. Below is a shot of my engine split open for trans work; you can see behind the blower pulley the cam chain is still under tension.



Once the clutch basket is out the transmission is divorced from the engine.
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No bud you As Fred said you can split the motor and take the complete transmission out without disturbing the cam timing. The motor in the box was done that way in fact it still has the cam cover on it you just cannot see it.
I just re read the procedures, it covered splitting the case and included removing the crankshaft. Thats were removing the cam chains come in. So happy I'm not getting that deep into it. So touching the cover or cams. Score!