Bikes we owned....way back when....

10 yrs old had a 71ish? Yamaha 60 mini enduro, then Yamaha YZ 100, then Kaw KX 125, Yamaha 500 thumper cam’d up, Yamaha 850 Virago. Quit riding about 30 years. Now the Rocket for 3 years
Hmmmm looking back, I guess I liked Yamaha
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BIG clump of manuka across the mudflats with a trumpy to build our duck maimai

What is this "big clump of Manuka" that is being "towed by Trumpy" of which you speak?
English translation for us simple Africans?
"Manuka" is a native bush which grows wild. The bush flowers white in November and looks awesome and is a sign to us fisher folk that the snapper are about. Many Duck hunters make their maimai's (hides) from it, entwining it through wires.

Honey made from the Manuka flower is beautiful and sought after worldwide.

1983 Honda CX650 custom
1986 Honda CR500
1975 Honda 50
1979 Suzuki gs750e
All great bikes but surprised the cr 500 didn’t kill me and what a pain in the ass to start, no compression release and the bike would eat spark plugs!! Better find TDC And three kicks was all you got, then it was flooded, drain bowl, change plug and try again. The power band on that bike was insane, wheelie in every gear on pavement!!!
Just sold the Suzuki in 2014.
I miss them all!!
I rode the roof of Africa one year (a long time ago) on a Bultaco Frontera- similar to the one that Malcolm won the ISDT on- but he was faster. Great bike but very noisy, stiff clutch and narrow powerband compared to the Husky's

In 1978 I was lucky (?) enough to get one of the few Honda CBX's that were brought to South Africa.
The engine was a madman. The chassis and suspension were just plain crazy. Not even slightly up to the task.... but it was fun to ride. Our competition back then was the mighty Kawasaki Z1000 and the insane two stroke 750 (500?) triple. The Honda couldn't beat either of them but it sure sounded good trying, and won in the looks department hands down.
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Honda built that bike because they could!!
What a pig to handle!! Like you said suspension not up to the task!! My buddy just sold his last year for 13k after it was restored by a specialist( 3 years prior) in ny state. He did a great job. Quite a special bike if you ask me!!
I've actually been looking for a frame off restoration CBX to buy for a while.. Do you know where he got his?