Bikes we owned....way back when....

My first 2 bikes were a pair of OSSA 250 Enduros, one was for parts. Similar to these '68 and '69 red...
Ossa 250.jpg
Ossa Enduro 250 69'.jpg

They look like Bultaco also Spanish?
Yes they are
I rode the roof of Africa one year (a long time ago) on a Bultaco Frontera- similar to the one that Malcolm won the ISDT on- but he was faster. Great bike but very noisy, stiff clutch and narrow powerband compared to the Husky's
My, first was a Honda 250 XL,in 1974 then A a 1975 Honda 750 Four with Hooker headers! So sweet, I wish I still had it! My brother-inlaw last year bought a 1976 Honda 750 and it brings back many fond memories!

Those XL's were Nice. My buddy had a 175 SL which I envied! And I wish I still had that 750, too.
Brand new ? :eek: you must be old ! :roll::roll::roll:

TALK ABOUT OLD!!!.....My very first "RIDE" was one of these...i used to ride it about 10 miles to work as a young apprentice carpenter and then around the farm in the weekends. I had to stop all the bloody time on the farm to clean the mud away from under the guards with a stick so i could continue!..It used to do 25mph flat out. Every morning on the way to work, i got overtaken by a guy on a Beeza going that bloody quick, i didn't see him coming and it scared the begeezuz out of me as he went by!!...I was laying down on the tank, one foot up, one foot down cos it had push
bike pedals!!...I was cool tho! had "Snoopy" written on the rear mudflap!
TALK ABOUT OLD!!!.....My very first "RIDE" was one of these...i used to ride it about 10 miles to work as a young apprentice carpenter and then around the farm in the weekends. I had to stop all the bloody time on the farm to clean the mud away from under the guards with a stick so i could continue!..It used to do 25mph flat out. Every morning on the way to work, i got overtaken by a guy on a Beeza going that bloody quick, i didn't see him coming and it scared the begeezuz out of me as he went by!!...I was laying down on the tank, one foot up, one foot down cos it had push
bike pedals!!...I was cool tho! had "Snoopy" written on the rear mudflap!

I had one of those when i lived in Chch, its a Puch
I'd put up that my first bike was the TS 90, but before that from about the age of 10(?) my mates and I were grafting lawnmower Engines into push bike frame/wheels.
Engine between the frame down tubes, drive from the L/H end of the Engine down to the crank where the pedals used to be, we took the standard push bike R/H pedal assembly with sprocket, hacked the pedal off and mounted this on the L/H side so drive through the crank to the R/H side then something (I can't remember) back to the R/H side of the rear wheel.
We then moved onto building our own chassis with relevant size wheels.
I still have this in the workshop too.
The original Engine was a 3½ HP Briggs Engine, that blew up so put a 5HP Briggs in it. It would power slide !

Awesome Paul!! Should have lived a bit closer!!
My Cousin in Nelson has had all breeds of bikes since he was a puppy...Triumphs, Beezas, Nortons, Honda 4, etc.
One day after we had been towing a BIG clump of manuka across the mudflats with a trumpy to build our duck maimai(Shooting hide)....not too successfully obviously, we washed the crap off it and decided we would paint the chassis black, but we didnt have a paint brush!...No worries!...we just got a suitable stick and beat one end flat with the hammer till it looked like a brush and proceeded to paint the frame!..looked sort of ok at the end of it..:thumbsup: