Brahma is #28 on the list of bikes I have ridden over the 37 years of riding. The bike I had the longest was a 1978 Honda CR500; had it for 12 years. When I bought it, it was plumb wore out. The suspension was wasted, it had a hole on the top of the tank, (best place for a hole if you are going to have one), it was hard to start and took 15 minutes to warm up. But once it warmed up, hold the heck on. The only thing I ever changed on it from the time I bought it was oil, spark plug and about 40 brake and clutch levers. I absolutely loved dogging that bike out. I eventually sold it as it took a full week to recover after riding it for half a day. To say I ever rode it moderately would be a flat out understatement!
The picture isn't mine but one like it; only mine looked absolutely