I was commenting on that despite many misconceptions out there Arizoana does indeed get cold, Not on how tough I am. I use heated gloves, heated grips and a heated jacket liner, with insulated pants. So you are indeed way tougher than me.
I was commenting on that despite many misconceptions out there Arizoana does indeed get cold, Not on how tough I am. I use heated gloves, heated grips and a heated jacket liner, with insulated pants. So you are indeed way tougher than me.
I installed the accessory charging port in mine and have a couple of smart chargers that will do everything including lithium, so plug one of those into the port if I know I'm not going to be riding it for the next week or so. I have also had the flat battery issue once at work (missed the lock button so the screen and DRL's stayed on) and the only thing it needed after restarting was to set the time and date and the engine light went out. I have not had the QS go offline, but it's easy to re-enable in the menus.
I live in the low country desert, still gets down to freezing a couple of time during the winter. Ice on the truck windshield this morning. But into the mid 60s this afternoon. with cloudless skies and no wind. I will be jumping on the scoot.
A maintained fully charged battery agm or not will last a long time. My 110 Ah AGM for my trolling motor is on year 10 now and still gives me 45 minutes of full out motoring at 14.5 amps. The trick is never let a battery ever go past half charge (12.55 volts) I'm on my 65th charging cycle now so it's not used every month but it still topps off at 12.98. same goes for every battery I have has since. Keep it on a maintainer as much as possible. Every day of possible. Spending 30 seconds to connect the pig tail will save you a few hundred bucks easy every year!