if someone tells me something that might help then i put it the back of my mine and if i ever need it then up it comes.
teaching an old dog a new trick depends on the teacher the teacher that hammers and yells at the old dog or scolds and belittle and trys to shame the dog is not going to get anywhere in teaching.
when some one tries to ram info down my throat then i do not give any thought to their opinion
sure you mean to disrespect. or maybe it is just my old school attitude coming out.
Well said. I'll tell you what I know, what I think, offer an opinion, take it or leave it, makes no difference.
Well said. I'll tell you what I know, what I think, offer an opinion, take it or leave it, makes no difference.
I joined this forum to learn more about our bikes from some great individuals, and if I could help or speak to something I knew, I would pass that on. It's not my way to belittle or embarrass someone, or argue over minor issues.
Hey everyone,

In the two years since I bought my 2021 Rocket 3 GT brand new I have had to bring it in three times for the battery being drained. The dealership has tried to blame me for leaving the ignition on which I turn off religiously when I'm not operating the bike. I ride my bike to work 4-5 times a week so it doesn't just sit. The most recent time I brought it in the dealership told me they did not have any concerns with the charging system or battery. They contacted Triumph who had them check the voltage from the right cube switch to starter relay, then the starter solenoid, and also checking the starter for any excess power draw which they told me all checked out as good. They ended up topping off my oil and returning the bike to me which has just under 10k miles at this point.
Hey everyone,

In the two years since I bought my 2021 Rocket 3 GT brand new I have had to bring it in three times for the battery being drained. The dealership has tried to blame me for leaving the ignition on which I turn off religiously when I'm not operating the bike. I ride my bike to work 4-5 times a week so it doesn't just sit. The most recent time I brought it in the dealership told me they did not have any concerns with the charging system or battery. They contacted Triumph who had them check the voltage from the right cube switch to starter relay, then the starter solenoid, and also checking the starter for any excess power draw which they told me all checked out as good. They ended up topping off my oil and returning the bike to me which has just under 10k miles at this point.

At this point I'm getting pretty frustrated and debating going to a lemon law attorney. I love the bike and bought it knowing Triumphs famous reliability. Anyone have any clue what could be wrong with my bike?
I am having the same issue, my Rocket 3 is connected to a battery tender, still have battery draining issues how did you solve the problem?

At this point I'm getting pretty frustrated and debating going to a lemon law attorney. I love the bike and bought it knowing Triumphs famous reliability. Anyone have any clue what could be wrong with my bike?
I am having the same issue, my Rocket 3 is connected to a battery tender, still have battery draining issues how did you solve the problem?
There are two likely causes, if it's not a bad battery, and those are a parasitic drain above what's normal and a failure of the charging system to charge. When you say you have a battery draining issue while using a battery tender, what specifically do you mean? Is your bike dead despite being connected to the tender?

Parasitic drain can be diagnosed with a multimeter with ammeter capability. Try the safer 10amp or 20amp side of the ammeter first, then if the drain is too small to register you can try the smaller side (mine is 10 amps on the one side and 800 milliamps on the other). You can do this by ensuring the bike is turned off, disconnect any charger, disconnect the negative side of the battery, then firmly clamp one probe to the battery's negative terminal and the other probe to the exposed end of the negative cable. Keep the two separated so no current can bypass the ammeter. There will be a very brief surge as current is initially applied, then it will settle. This makes your ammeter an inline part of the bike's electrical circuit. DO NOT TURN ON THE IGNITION while the ammeter is connected. Note the amps (amount and unit). Mine was only a few milliamps, which is miniscule, and anything under 25 milliamps is fine. Over 100 could be a problem. Anything in between is grey area. If you have a significant drain, you can pull fuses one at a time while the ammeter is connected and watch to see if the drain drops. When done, ensure you disconnect the ammeter before doing anything else like powering on the bike or connecting a charger.

If you don't have an overly large parasitic drain, and a battery maintainer isn't helping, you may have a charging system issue. I believe there's a thread elsewhere with steps on testing the R/R and alternator.