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  1. Lostride


    I recently lucked out and found a pair of unused shocks off a Roadster for $90 (seriously) the guy had replaced them after almost no use. I had them put on my 2006 and experienced an amazing difference (I replaced the old Avons also). If you can afford a decent set of shocks and good tires you...
  2. Lostride

    backfire, low power, stalling. previous high idle

    Been there done that, you need a bit of maintenance thats all: throttle issues: TPS etc etc (you will be wrestling with this stuff for ever, I have accepted this as the most annoying and weakest part of running a R3) wobble: tires for sure, the big boy needs good shoes, else he will chuck a...
  3. Lostride

    Front End Shake

    I had this issue, definitely tires. New Bridgestone Exendra Max on the rear and regular on the front fixed mine (and it was seriously bad!).
  4. Lostride

    "The Mistress No More"

    Sorry to hear about your misfortune, all the best in recovery. Mine seems to get a wobble in the front of I take pressure off the bars, I thought it might be the tyre... Olivers had a look and couldn't find anything but it still seems to happen from time to time. Get well soon and back in the...
  5. Lostride

    Rocket Roadster Won't Idle - Please Help

    Hi and welcome to the site from Australia. This idle thing is a pretty common issue, I am having it at the moment myself. If you have the original exhaust why don't you just set it back to stock with the standard tune and go from there? You might find you prefer the quieter bike and have enough...
  6. Lostride

    A bloke in a hurry

    Yeah thanks for that I missed the discussion on that bike.. I saw it on Gumtree the other day and the dragster in this thread jogged my memory about it, not sure why though! maybe just the general form/design of the bike
  7. Lostride

    A bloke in a hurry

    I spotted this the other day for sale: custom triumph Rocket , bonneville , thruxton , america, harley | Motorcycles | Gumtree Australia Canada Bay Area - Concord | 1129402921
  8. Lostride

    Triumph Bobber Has Arrived

    yeah, I suppose it is ok for what it is, if you just want to jump on and go (Vespa's achieve that end in a cool way too) I was just thinking about the reasons for why hotrods and choppers etc exist; i.e not the destination (shiny happy people drag racing in a warehouse while sipping craft beer)...
  9. Lostride

    Driveshaft Spline Lube

    Since the Moly content seems to be the most important factor: Q. What is the Moly content on your 99030 Assembly Lube? I am looking for a lube for the splines on the final drive on my motorcycle. This looks like it may be a good choice. Sir Tech - The Bel-Ray Assembly Lube is around 40% moly...
  10. Lostride

    Triumph Bobber Has Arrived

    Hard to compare favorably with a real one. I think shadetree surgeon nailed it. It is a facsimile of a real motorcycle designed to grab a bit of the post-hipster neo-yuppy market, whatever that is, but if it gives Triumph a bit of revenue to keep things rolling then I suppose it is all good. I...
  11. Lostride

    Changing clutch and brake levers - recommendations?

    you need longer fingers
  12. Lostride

    Is fork dipping when front brakes applied at very slow speed normal?

    I understand your pain! the Rocket is a big bike, but I find it better to not focus on that, instead focus on the physics. Momentum is your friend and your back brake is too. If the terrain looks a bit difficult I revert to treating it a bit like a dirt bike, don't concentrate on the terrain so...
  13. Lostride

    New Norton

    Saw the Thruxton R at the dealer today and it looks pretty awesome... can't imagine why it would be necessary to spend all that extra cash on a Norton that seems to be problematic and as yet proven. I think if you need to have a truly cool cafe racer style bike (forget the SR/CX 500 craze that...
  14. Lostride

    Handlebar risers for Classic III

    I have the same bike with the Rivco risers and no problems. You need to move the brake block using the small bracket that is provided in the kit, really easy. I had an issue getting the old risers off so I took it to the dealer to finish off, I think it was only a 1/2 hour job so not too bad...
  15. Lostride

    dealertool/access your ecu

    This might be useful, just grabbed it bit didn't read it.. it is in the right place to be fiddling How to change the COM port for a USB Serial adapter on Windows 7
  16. Lostride


    Hey even Toronto looks warm to you up there!
  17. Lostride


    Hey @Mouldy welcome from another Southside BrisRocketeer!
  18. Lostride

    Considering a Rocket 3..

    It is basic physics, doesn't matter what size you are, as soon as it is moving you are manipulating what the engineers have built into the bike. If you are doing slow tight u-turns you will have to be a bit more mindful than on smaller (lesser) bikes. The thing is you have an enormous amount of...
  19. Lostride

    Two Different Worlds.

    Yep I sure do TC..! :thumbsup: I have only had mine (2006 classic tourer) since early 2015 and I haven't had a really good long ride yet. I had to get it sorted out a bit first (she was a bit tired and well used when I got her), just some of the usual stuff, TPS etc but it is running sweet now...
  20. Lostride

    Two Different Worlds.

    I went into the Harley dealer on the way back from the Gold Coast today to grab another jug of S100 and I was joking with the guy behind the counter, when they asked what I ride: I said I ride a Rocket , no response from Mr Harleypants.. I said I would like to get a Harley but they don't make...