dealertool/access your ecu

I am awaiting a response to the email I sent them.
If you do figure out something regarding the Dealer Tool, let me know.
I wrote to the vendor I will have the stuff with me when I get to spearfish
I wrote to the vendor I will have the stuff with me when I get to spearfish

Thanks. If you learn anything more about that dealer tool please let me know. I would like to get my brakes properly bled well before I leave for Spearfish.
Not sure if this applies to you but comport mismatch often means that the hardware is set/assigned a comport but the software is looking for it on another port. Often cables may have a USB connection but internally they convert to a standard serial connector. A quick way to see what your comport is set to is to open up the device manager in your computer then plug in your USB connection....You should see it appear under the USB heading....right click on it and review the properties....note the port assigned. Now fire up your software and look for something like config/settings/options You should see the comport must be set to match what you saw earlier in device manager. If not edit your settings to make them match.
Not sure if this applies to you but comport mismatch often means that the hardware is set/assigned a comport but the software is looking for it on another port. Often cables may have a USB connection but internally they convert to a standard serial connector. A quick way to see what your comport is set to is to open up the device manager in your computer then plug in your USB connection....You should see it appear under the USB heading....right click on it and review the properties....note the port assigned. Now fire up your software and look for something like config/settings/options You should see the comport must be set to match what you saw earlier in device manager. If not edit your settings to make them match.

Sounds good!
I shall give it a try.
Not sure if this applies to you but comport mismatch often means that the hardware is set/assigned a comport but the software is looking for it on another port. Often cables may have a USB connection but internally they convert to a standard serial connector. A quick way to see what your comport is set to is to open up the device manager in your computer then plug in your USB connection....You should see it appear under the USB heading....right click on it and review the properties....note the port assigned. Now fire up your software and look for something like config/settings/options You should see the comport must be set to match what you saw earlier in device manager. If not edit your settings to make them match.
we'll try this tuesday cause on monday the people in GB selling the thing will install the whatyoumacallit
port themselves via teamviewer my computer must be connected to the bike apparently for them to do the install so I will watch the install as it progresses from the expert in england controlling and fixing this laptop here in canada pretty neat! I also told them about ****o icons on my desktop just in case he/she feels like watching some short movies....
we'll try this tuesday cause on monday the people in GB selling the thing will install the whatyoumacallit
port themselves via teamviewer my computer must be connected to the bike apparently for them to do the install so I will watch the install as it progresses from the expert in england controlling and fixing this laptop here in canada pretty neat! I also told them about ****o icons on my desktop just in case he/she feels like watching some short movies....

I want this too . . .